🚨 Job opening alert! 🚨 Application deadline December 11! We are now looking for a driven and methodologically skilled postdoctor in Environmental Epidemiology to join the ongoing project "Think before you ink – tattoos as a risk factor for immunologic disease" led by Christel Nielsen, Lunds universitet. 👉 More info about the position: https://lnkd.in/gjaJifeW 📖 Read about the tattoo project: https://lnkd.in/gzXiFYxF 🔎 Check out Christel Nielsen's profile in Lund University's research portal: https://lnkd.in/grDMg5ZE 👀 Watch the video about the research below or on YT: https://lnkd.in/ge6QnxjQ Welcome with your application! #research #epidemiology #tattoos #thinkbeforeyouink
Medicinska fakulteten, Lunds universitet
Lund, Skåne 2 750 följare
Del av ett universitet i världsklass som förstår, förklarar och förbättrar vår värld och människors villkor.
Om oss
Medicinska fakulteten vid Lunds universitet bidrar, i samarbete med aktörer inom hälso- och sjukvården, till ökad kunskap för ett bättre liv genom utbildning, forskning och kunskapsförmedling av hög kvalitet och med hög relevans för människors hälsa. Hos oss finns cirka 2 000 medarbetare och 2 900 helårsstudenter fördelade på tre campus i Lund, Malmö och Helsingborg. Två av våra huvuduppgifter är att bedriva utbildning och forskning. Vi bedriver utbildning och forskning inom det hälsovetenskapliga, det experimentella och det kliniska området. Vår tredje huvuduppgift är att samverka med det omgivande samhället. Du är välkommen att kommentera våra inlägg samt posta text och bilder på vår sida, men undvik följande: – kränkande språk – förtal, hot eller personangrepp – hets mot folkgrupp, trakasserier eller sexuella trakasserier – spam och ovidkommande reklam – kränkande personuppgifter – olagligt material – upphovsrättsskyddat material som publiceras utan tillstånd Redaktionen granskar alla inlägg och tar vid behov bort material som inte följer riktlinjerna ovan och/eller bryter mot svensk lag. OBS! Skriv inte känslig information om dig och din vård här. Om du har frågor som rör din vård hänvisar vi till 1177. Lunds universitet är en statlig myndighet. Observera att inlägg på vår sida är offentliga handlingar och kan komma att diarieföras.
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Extern länk för Medicinska fakulteten, Lunds universitet
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- Företagsstorlek
- 1 001–5 000 anställda
- Huvudkontor
- Lund, Skåne
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- Utbildningsinstitution
Sölvegatan 19
Lund, Skåne 221 85 Lund, SE
Anställda på Medicinska fakulteten, Lunds universitet
Katarina Jandér (Willquist)
● Visualiserar forskning: figurer, illustrationer och infografik ● Grafisk formgivare och visuell kommunikatör
Emanuel Larsson
Biträdande Direktör | Forskare | Forskningskoordinator | Synkrotron Röntgen- och Neutron-tomografi | MBA-student
Björn Rosengren
Professor vid Lunds universitet
Lucas Holm
PhD-student, Lecturer in Audiology, Lund University. Lic. Audiologist at Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
🎉 Congratulations to Luís Oliveira, Lund Stem Cell Center and Filipe Pereira's research group, who just won the Researchers' Grand Prix 2024! 🎉 "Just like a hacker I use viruses, but on cells. I want to find the correct code to make the cancer cells their own worst enemies, so they start a war against themselves and we can find an effective therapy", says the winner. Researchers’ Grand Prix is a Swedish competition that has been running annually since 2012. Researchers are challenged to present their research in the most captivating, inspiring and educational way possible – in just four minutes! The audience and expert judges jointly decide on the winner. 📸 Bodil Malmström, Lund University Vetenskap & Allmänhet
🔦 In a study published in Advanced Science, researchers Fredrik Ek, Roger Olsson et al. describe how they can use light to create electrically conductive materials directly in the body, showing promising results in animal trials. "This has not been shown before for electrodes formed directly in tissues", says Fredrik Ek, researcher in chemical biology and drug development at Lunds universitet. Read full story here: https://lnkd.in/diJg8GdZ 📸 : Ingemar Hultquist #bioelectronics #bioelectronictreatment
🗓 Save-the-date! On January 7, registration opens for the 2nd Lund Spring Symposium: "Enabling Novel Therapeutic Principles", May 20-22, 2025
We are very pleased to announce the 2025 Lund Spring Symposium award recipients. Please, visit https://lnkd.in/d35Gr6c9 for the motivation about the awards and sign up for symposium updates. This is the 2nd Lund Spring Symposium, taking place May 20-22, 2025, where leaders in molecular therapeutics will discuss transforming discoveries and novel therapeutics principles. A common denominator across all presenters is their inspirational and transforming research that is providing the basis for several therapeutic applications. This gathering will be an exclusive opportunity for scientists and entrepreneurs to broaden their horizons of cutting-edge science and to be an engaging and interactive forum. Registration will start on January 7, 2025. Please note that there are only 250 seats. Make sure to sign up for registration alerts. 📅 May 20-22, 2025 📍 Lund, Sweden
🎉 Today we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the National 7T MR facility in Lund and its recent upgrade! 🎉 🔹 Thanks to generous donations from Crafoordska stiftelsen and IngaBritt och Arne Lundbergs forskningsstiftelser and financial support from Region Skåne and Lund University the facility underwent a major state-of-the-art upgrade worth 21 MSEK in 2024. The upgrade will ensure that the facility remains at the forefront of ultra-high field MR research for at least another 10 years. 🔹The 7T magnetic resonance imaging system is owned by Lunds universitet through LBIC Lund University Bioimaging Centre and operates within the Centre for Imaging and Function at Skånes universitetssjukhus (Skåne University Hospital) in Lund making it an ideal hub for translational research! The facility is open to researchers from all Swedish universities. 🔹Under the supervision of Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson, director LBIC, Viktor Öwall, pro vice chancellor Lund University, Ebba Fischer, chair Crafoordska stiftelsen, Anna Mannfalk, chair Hälso- och sjukvårdsnämnden Region Skåne, and Christina Backman, chair IngaBritt och Arne Lundbergs Forskningsstiftelse, cut the ribbon to mark the inauguration of the new upgrade! ➡ Explore research possibilities at the 7 Tesla facility: https://lnkd.in/d_Bbzv8Z
Den 15 november uppmärksammar vi Filantropins dag, en dag då filantropins betydelse för vårt samhälle lyfts över hela världen! 💛🌍 Medicinska fakulteten vill rikta ett hjärtligt tack till alla donatorer som bidrar till fakultetens forskning och utbildning. Ert stöd och engagemang är ovärderligt och tillsammans bidrar vi till att hitta nya lösningar på de globala hälsoutmaningarna. Tack! 🌹
🐻 World Diabetes Day 2024 - The TEDDY study will soon be completed 🐻 🔷 The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY study) began in 2004 and includes almost 8,700 children from Sweden, Finland, Germany and the United States. The research project is funded by The National Institutes of Health and aims to ascertain what causes the development of type 1 diabetes in children. 🔷 In 2025, children within the TEDDY study will submit their final samples. Globally, 8667 children have participated in the TEDDY study. 💙We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the children and families who have generously contributed to our understanding of type 1 diabetes! 💙 🔷The most important lessons from the study are presented in Nature Reviews Endocrinology: - a connection between enterovirus infection, the development of diabetes-related autoantibodies and type 1 diabetes. - administering probiotics to infants at increased risk of developing the disease can reduce the risk of them developing diabetes-related autoantibodies. 🔷 Åke Lernmark, principal investigator of the TEDDY study in Sweden and professor Lunds universitet has led work on the article. Jeffrey Krischer, director of the TEDDY Data Coordinating Center and co-chair of the international TEDDY study and professor and director of the Health Informatics Institute at the University of South Florida is one of the leading co-authors.
Lunds universitet och Region Skåne inrättar gemensamt precisionsmedicinskt centrum som ska ge rätt diagnos och behandling till rätt patient. – Precisionsmedicin handlar om att förbättra behandlingar inom hälso- och sjukvården genom att hitta vilka individer som svarar bäst på behandlingen. Men också hitta de som inte har någon nytta av en viss given behandling. Vi vill maximera den medicinska nyttan av en behandling genom att ge den till dem som behöver den bäst, förklarar Olle Melander. Tillsammans med Sophia Zackrisson kommer Olle Melander leda det nya centrumet. Läs hela nyheten: https://lnkd.in/dDZ4VnQQ Region Skåne Lunds universitet #precisionsmedicin
Foam cells in brain tumours A research team Lunds universitet in Sweden has discovered a certain type of cells – foam cells – in patients with the aggressive brain tumour glioblastoma. It has been shown how these cells accelerate the cancer’s growth and that this can be successfully inhibited using a drug developed for arteriosclerosis. – We are the first ones who can show in tissue from patients how these foam cells act inside the tumour. The discovery of foam cells in glioblastoma is crucial in understanding the tumour biology behind the cancer and how a diseased environment interacts with the immune system’s cells and makes them a part of the problem,” says Mattias Belting who led the study together with postdoc Valeria Governa. Read about the study: https://lnkd.in/dfbG2Nmg #research #cancer #glioblastoma
🎉 Congratulations to Malin Parmar and her colleagues in Denmark and Italy - Jenny Emneus, Elena Cattaneo and Annalisa Buffo - to the ERC Synergy Grant!
Congratulations to Malin Parmar, professor of cellular neuroscience, who, together with three researchers in Italy and Denmark, has been awarded he prestigious ERC Synergy Grant worth EUR 10 million. The four researchers aim to develop custom-made neurons from stem cells for cell therapies to treat Parkinson’s or Huntington’s disease. "It feels really fun and exciting for many reasons! One reason is of course that it’s a lot of funding over a long period that will allow me to develop projects that I like and that I am passionate about, and another is that it is very enjoyable team to work with and I look forward to collaborate with my fellow applicants,” says Malin Parmar. “We want to develop a completely new concept in stem cell therapy. Every patient is different and therefore we want to develop ways to custom make cells and stem cell therapies for neurodegenerative diseases”. 🔗 Full article here: https://lnkd.in/ds_9tck4 Medicinska fakulteten, Lunds universitet European Research Council (ERC) Photo: Tove Smeds.