Sandvik + Content Innovation + Trickle | PPP = true 🩶
Trickle’s latest work for Sandvik has been nominated—among a record number of contributions—in the Årets Arbetsgivarvarumärke category at Sweden’s biggest PR contest, Spinn.
On March 27th, the winners will be announced. Go, team, go!
Crisis. Changes. Challenges.
What to do?
Make sure everyone is on board. But how?
Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.
Here are some of our takeaways from last week's Good Morning People:
▶︎ "Change communication is about uniting," says Sabina Rasiwala from Samhall. And how do you do that? By being clear in your messaging: keep it concise, accessible, and cohesive – both internally and externally. And perhaps most importantly: Make sure it is based on actual facts and a clear "why."
▶︎ Remember: Transparency is a philosophy – not a PR stunt or a tactic to gain favor.
▶︎ Are you talking about employee involvement? Make sure you walk the talk. Avoid "shadow processes." If you don't intend to actually invite more people into decision-making, be clear about that decision and when/if it is time for feedback or further involvement.
▶︎ Embrace the credibility that comes with being vulnerable in your communication. Nobody is perfect; neither is a company.
Thank you so much for coming by!
And last but definitely not least – A big thanks to our panel: Erik Zsiga, Interim Press Officer at Northvolt, Sabina Rasiwala, HR and Communications Director at Samhall, Sofia Wadensjö Karén, Director of Programs at Sveriges Radio, and Anders Ribba, our moderator.
What could Post/Rodolfo Agency's Art Director Chris Hagberg be pondering about?
Probably all of the amazing entries he will be evaluating as jury member for this year's Guldägget in the “Activation, Audio and Integrated” category.
Congrats to us and the Guldägget team! 💫
💥 They say that live experiences are the new luxury. We couldn’t agree more.
Last week, over 300 people from across the Nordics came together under one roof for an unforgettable celebration of People People People. With 13 inspiring workshops and lectures done, countless new connections, and some sore but happy feet from dancing to the tunes of our very own PPP house band, we feel more than ready to kickstart 2025.
And, as they also say: Stay tuned for more! 💥
Missa inte nästa Good Morning People om Förändringskommunikation! Superspännande panel med:
Erik Zsiga, Interim presschef i Northvolt och tidigare presschef i Electrolux, hos utrikesminister Carl Bildt samt många år som kommunikationskonsult och skribent i bl a Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens industri. Med denna bakgrund från näringsliv, politik, opinionsbildning och journalistik, tog sig Erik an utmaningen när det blåste som mest: Att försöka vända mediebilden kring Northvolt.
Sabina Rasiwala, Sabina Rasiwala är HR & kommunikationsdirektör på Samhall sedan 2022. Tidigare har hon haft samma roll på SVT i nio år, varit marknadschef på Microsoft och varumärkesansvarig på Absolut Vodka.
Sofia Wadensjö Karén, Sofia är sedan ett par år tillbaka programdirektör på Sveriges Radio. Hon har en lång erfarenhet från mediebranschen – inom både kvällspress, tidskrifter, tv och radio. En röd tråd i hennes arbetsliv har varit förändringsledning samt att lägga mycket tid och fokus på att jobba med företagskulturen.
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💥 “The first time I saw Simon’s work, I was hooked” 💥
Looking for an affordable and sustainable way to travel? Let Philip Norén, Creative Producer at Gabardin, and his key inspirations take you on a multisensory journey – from cache bunny to Simon Stålenhag.
Get ready for take off!
💥 You know what day it is tomorrow? 💥
Correct, it's Friday. But you know what else? It is also Forecast Friday!
Take our Chief Commercial Officer Joachim Medalen's advice and create a routine for catching up on the latest trends and insights.
And while you're at it, feel free to share your best sources or tactics for staying ahead. Think of it as an inverted Forecast Friday.
I once had a manager who said that Friday was his incubation day. It was when he would insulate himself against the day-to-day and ensure he was up to date on new trends and knowledge.
I am not suggesting you should spend your entire Friday in front of Youtube, but if you still haven't watched Scott Galloway's 2025 predictions or Mark Ritson's Top 10 marketing moments from 2024, you should.
Links in comments.
Happy Friday learning everyone!
⚡ Great storytelling is not set in stone – but in steel ⚡
In early 2024, Stegra (formerly H2 Green Steel) set out to redefine how they communicate about technical subjects. Together with the PPP agency Gabardin, they began exploring visual strategies to differentiate themselves from legacy industry players, with a style guide as the end goal.
The scope of the project included animated films, motion graphics, and still images aimed at explaining all major technical aspects of green steelmaking.
The result? Well, let's just say that green steelmaking has never looked better, if we do say so ourselves.
“Did you think 2024 was polarized? 2025 will be worse”
New year, new opportunities to make your brand stand out! But before diving into the art of crafting compelling communication, take a moment to explore this years key trends and insights shared by Peter Hammarbäck, PR strategist at Spoon Agency.
Curios to know more? Find the full article linked in the comments. ✨
Trodde du vi nått peak polarisering? Eller peak woke? Näpp. Icke.
Spoon Agencys PR-strateg Peter Hammarbäck listar 5 kommunikationstrender vi alla kommer att brottas med under 2025 – som att vi kommer att fly verkligheten, fokusera på “det lilla livet” och ställa AI mot väggen.
Läs hela trendspaningen, samt 3 bonustrender, på vår hemsida. Länken hittar du i kommentarerna.
👾 DreamHack – just a LAN party? 👾
Think again! DreamHack is so much more. It’s an international phenomenon that unites generations – with gaming as the common denominator. To amplify this message, DreamHack partnered with PR agency Fuze and PR Manager Anton Fagerhem.
The result? Let’s just say: GGWP! (Translation for non-gamers: Good Game, Well Played!). Swipe and learn more about the level up!