

Dator- och nätverkssäkerhet

Allround security toolbox to offer end users easy to understand, packaged cyber security.

Om oss

Are you looking for an easy way to proactively help customers with cybersecurity?  We're here for you. Safestate is a platform designed for the top risks, with all three aspects of information security: Person, organization and technology. Included in our solution: - Phishing tools to test and train users  - Our vulnerability scan identifies technical vulnerabilities  - The monitoring service monitors the entire network for the desired leaked information. For more information about search possibilities see page 10 - A monthly business intelligence keeps the reader informed and educates in the field of cybersecurity.  - A blacklisting alert service – if the customer's domain ends up in a blacklist.  - An email service that warns of misconfiguration, to remedy that the organization's mail ends up in the trash.

Dator- och nätverkssäkerhet
11–50 anställda
Privatägt företag


Anställda på Safestate


  • We are proud to be one of the 37 organizations receiving funding from MSB (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap) at the beginning of 2025 to carry out a project that will contribute to higher cybersecurity for tens of thousands of Swedish small business owners. With this grant, we will simplify and improve the customer experience so that even more users easier can benefit from our alerts and reports, and take action based on the information they contain. With our broad customer base, we're confident that this initiative will contribute to strengthen Swedish resilience. A big thank you to MSB for the trust and for providing this boost to those of us who work every day to achieve greater cybersecurity and a more resilient society! #msb #cybersäkerhet

    Sveriges nationella samordningscenter för forskning och innovation inom cybersäkerhet (NCC-SE) vid Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) är stolt över att presentera att vi finansierar 37 cybersäkerhetsprojekt med 21 miljoner kronor. De organisationer som tagit del av stödet är små och medelstora företag som vill driva projekt som bidrar till att stärka Sveriges kapacitet och infrastruktur inom cybersäkerhet. Utlysningen finansieras genom MSB, Vinnova och EU:s program för ett digitalt Europa (DIGITAL) Mer information om projekten:

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  • >ENGLISH BELOW< Mer än en miljon svenska företagare förtjänar enkla verktyg för att höja sin lägsta cybernivå - genom vårt viktiga samarbete med Företagarna ska vi försöka adressera just det problemet. Undersökningar visar att oro för cyberhoten blir allt vanligare hos småföretagare, och vi tror att de vill ha en smidig lösning. Våra småföretagare är något av det finaste och viktigaste vi har i Sverige, och de ska få bästa möjliga förutsättningar att fokusera på sin affärsverksamhet i stället för säkerhetsfrågor. I vår värld går det att göra väldigt mycket med små medel. Läs mer om samarbetet på vår webb: eller hos Företagarna: --- ENGLISH --- More than one million Swedish entrepreneurs deserve simple tools to elevate their basic cybersecurity level – through our important collaboration with Företagarna, we aim to address precisely this issue. Surveys show that concern about cyber threats is becoming increasingly common among small business owners, and we think they want an accessible solution. Our small businesses are among the most valuable and important assets we have in Sweden, and they should have the best possible conditions to focus on their business operations instead of security issues. In our world, a lot can be achieved with modest resources. Read more about the collaboration on our website: or on Företagarna's website: #företagarna #cyberskydd #cybersäkerhet

    Visa organisationssidan för Företagarna, grafik

    19 174 följare

    För drygt 1,1 miljoner svenska småföretagare är cybersäkerhet fortfarande ett luddigt och komplext ämne. Alla vet att det är viktigt, men alltför få har resurser och möjligheter att ta tag i riskerna. Det hoppas vi ändra på nu genom vårt samarbete med Safestate. Safestate erbjuder en plattform för att förenkla arbetet med informationssäkerhet, särskilt inriktad på små och medelstora företag. Nu lanserar vi tillsammans Företagarna Cyberskydd som hjälper företagare att identifiera läckta användaruppgifter och tekniska sårbarheter i sina system. Att vi nu kan erbjuda ett cyberskydd i samarbete med Safestate känns kul och helt rätt då det hjälper våra medlemmar att trygga sina verksamheter och digitala liv. Läs mer om Företagarna Cyberskydd:

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  • We are proud to announce another exciting collaboration – this time, we have the great honor of providing straightforward, automated cybersecurity tools to all members of Företagarna, Sweden’s largest business association! Partnering with Företagarna feels like the most natural step in our mission to make small businesses more cyber-secure. Our CEO, Daniel F., puts it this way: “We are driven by the desire to help small business owners reach a new baseline in cybersecurity, beyond just antivirus and firewalls – all without complexity or stealing precious time from their core business operations.” Read the press release about our collaboration here: Or learn more about the cybersecurity services available through Företagarna here: (Note: the content is in Swedish) #cyberskydd #cybersäkerhet #småföretagare

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  • Excited, proud, thrilled, honoured... Simply grateful to be part of this group of companies, each bringing so much value to the world. Together, we're all working toward a safer society - in our case, by supporting the small and midsized companies that often face the greatest challenges. Looking forward to this race! #InsurTech #cybersecurity #CyberInsuranceAwardsEU

    Visa organisationssidan för Intelligent Insurer, grafik

    45 885 följare

    We are thrilled to announce the finalists for the Cyber Security Solution Provider of the Year at the Cyber Insurance Awards Europe 2025! This award recognises a provider that has excelled in delivering innovative and effective cybersecurity solutions within the industry. The winner of this category stands out for offering cutting-edge technologies and services that significantly enhance the security posture of their clients. This award acknowledges their pivotal role in advancing the industry's standards for cyber security consulting. Congratulations to: Arctic Wolf Axio CalQRisk Censys cysmo® Cyber Risk Rating GmbH CyberQ Group DynaRisk HDI Global SE KYND Safestate Silverfort Your solutions are vital in protecting our digital world! Join us in celebrating excellence in cyber insurance on 5 February, 2025 at the Grand Connaught Rooms in London. View the full list of finalists here: #CyberInsuranceAwardsEU

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  • We're so proud to share the news, that we have been chosen as a finalist in the prestigious Cyber Insurance Awards Europe 2025, presented by Intelligent Insurer! We have a stubborn commitment to fight for all SMB companies that struggle with cyber security everyday, and this recognition shows we're on good way. This wouldn't have happened without the trust and collaboration of our valued clients and partners. Your support has been crucial in our journey towards a safer world for SMB's. None mentioned, none forgotten 🤗 Have a look at the finalists in all categories here And hey - wish us luck :) hashtag #CyberInsuranceAwardsEU hashtag #CyberInsurance hashtag #InsuranceExcellence

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  • You know the old school TV's? So, they re-invented them and made them thin now - way smarter right? Well, they did the same thing with cyber insurances - smarter, that is. Now they come in sleek packages with the word "PROACTIVE" on the label - meaning they don't only cover when the damage is done, but helps you to prevent damage from ever happening in the first place. We see a tremendous potential for partnerships between insurance brokers and cybersecurity companies. Together they have unique insights into the threat landscape and the general status of cybersecurity, and can really make a difference for policyholders. Together, they bring unique insights into the threat landscape and the status of cybersecurity. They can identify which user behaviors lead to the greatest risks, how threat actors cause real damage, and which vulnerabilities matter most. But how does this work in practice? What is the benefit for an insurance broker? And what does it ultimately provide for the policyholder? Read our article to find out: #cyberinsurance #cybersecurity #insurtech

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  • The Danish industry organization Forsikring & Pension highlights cyber insurance and the vulnerability of small businesses in a recently released newsletter. Pia Holm Steffensen, deputy CEO, notes a tendency among small businesses to underestimate cyber threats, as they often believe they are less attractive targets for criminal hackers. However, she reminds them that digital functions like invoicing and customer records still pose significant risks. In comparison to larger companies, Steffensen observes that small businesses often see cyber threats as just one more issue to address in an already hectic day-to-day routine – without the same capacity to act proactively as larger firms. While we acknowledge that we are biased, insurance companies that help small businesses by adding cybersecurity solutions to their existing policies make a big difference. Most small companies simply don’t have the resources to spend large sums on cybersecurity, or to hire consultants or dedicated staff to manage it. They need the support of a trusted security partner they can rely on. The article can be read for subscribers here: #cyberinsurance #insurtech #cybersecurity

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  • Last week, we were invited by LF Jämtland to the beautiful town of Östersund to discuss cybersecurity with local entrepreneurs. Our goal was to give them an insight into the world of cybercriminals without resorting to buzzwords or making things sound darker than they are – just straightforward facts. Together with John Bergström, we delivered a seminar that was both informative and highly practical, where we shared experiences and ideas. We covered not only how to protect oneself, but also how to ensure proper insurance coverage in case of an attack. Thank you so much for hosting us, LF Jämtland – we really enjoyed the experience! #cyberinsurance #insurtech #cybersecurity

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  • We recently came across an interesting whitepaper regarding cyberinsurance, published by Zurich Insurance and Marsh McLennan. As digital threats continue to escalate, affecting businesses in all sizes, both companies and insurance providers must rethink their approach to cybersecurity and risk management. Here are our key insights from this whitepaper: 📙SMBs are highly vulnerable. Small and medium-sized businesses remain underinsured (or uninsured), leaving them exposed to growing cyber threats. Many SMBs struggle with balancing resources for cybersecurity and often lack sufficient coverage in the event of an attack. 📙The cyber insurance gap is staggering. A $0.9 trillion gap exists between insured and actual economic losses from cyber incidents. This underlines the need for better risk management strategies and more comprehensive insurance offerings to protect against financial fallout. 📙Improving cybersecurity maturity is critical. Even smaller organizations must strengthen their cybersecurity awareness by training and testing employees. Improved cyber hygiene can significantly reduce exposure to threats and also lower insurance premiums. 📙 Strong growth in the European cyber insurance market is prognosed. The market is expected to expand from $2.8 billion in 2023 to $6.6 billion in 2027, driven by increased awareness of cyber risks and regulatory pressures. However, there's still a long way to go to achieve full coverage. At Safestate, we work tirelessly to protect SMB's every single day, mitigating risk and preventing damage. Together with our insurance partners we focus on spreading cybersecurity awareness, lowering risk, and in general securing our SMB's throughout Scandinavia. We see more and more insurance providers understanding the necessity of preventing damage and mitigating risk. Insurance providers wanting to stay ahead in the cyber arena cannot rely solely on managing incidents but must also focus on minimizing the risk of incidents occuring. #cybersecurity #cyberinsurance #insuranceindustry

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