SPM Instruments omslagsbild
SPM Instrument

SPM Instrument

Tillverkning av datorer och elektronik

Your uptime is our business.

Om oss

SPM Instrument is a global leader in condition monitoring technology. For over fifty years, we have supplied the world’s industries with high-performance condition monitoring solutions, and we are passionate about what we do. Our entire focus is on developing world-class products for world-class reliability and maintenance—that makes us different. As a full-range supplier, we exclusively develop and market all the technology to measure, analyze, and present condition data from complex machinery. The power of our innovations – including the ultra-efficient and patented HD technology - enables our customers to tap into the potential of the world’s most efficient condition monitoring solutions. Whether complex or straightforward, HD technologies have the power to address and resolve maintenance and reliability issues. The SPM Group is made up of more than two hundred devoted professionals. Our highly trained global network of sales and service representatives—covering more than fifty countries—is here to support your maintenance department and help you get the most out of your condition monitoring program. We are always looking for exceptional people to join our dedicated team; connect with us today!

Tillverkning av datorer och elektronik
201–500 anställda
Privatägt företag
Condition monitoring, Vibration analysis, Predictive Maintenance, Condition Based Maintenance och Vibration monitoring


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