Swerim ABs cover photo
Swerim AB

Swerim AB


Luleå, Norrbottens län 8 123 följare

Research for a sustainable future. Swerim is a Swedish Research Institute for Mining, Metallurgy and Materials.

Om oss

Metallforskningsinstitutet Swerim bedriver industrinära forskning och utveckling kring metaller och deras väg från råmaterial till färdig produkt. Vi vill stärka industrins konkurrenskraft genom ökad produktkvalitet, högre resurseffektivitet och mer hållbara tillverkningsprocesser. Vår vision är en fossilfri och cirkulär industri. Swerim har 190 medarbetare på två orter - Luleå och Stockholm.

51–200 anställda
Luleå, Norrbottens län
Publikt aktiebolag
Pilot och Demo, Corrosion, Research, Metallic materials, Joning, Recycling and the environment, Additive manufacturing, Innovation, Metallurgy, CO2 neutral industry, Material modeling, Materials development, Process technology, Production technology, Raw material, Cutting machining, Heat treatment, Powder material, Material analysis, Process monitoring, Material casting, Thermomechanical processes och Alloy development


Anställda på Swerim AB


  • Swerim söker dig som vill vara med och utveckla både medarbetare oh forskning i gruppen Energi och miljö. Din roll blir att bidra till utveckling av metallurgiska processer genom nära samarbete med industrin för att skapa industrinytta. Tycker du att det låter intressant och vill veta mer? Hör gärna av dig till Lena Ekh, Cesab Rekrytering AB 💎, som är ansvarig rekryteringskonsult till denna tjänst. Sista ansökningsdag är den 9 mars 2025. Placeringsort är Luleå. Vi ser fram emot att få höra mer om dig och vad du vill bidra med hos oss.

    Visa organisationssidan för Cesab Rekrytering AB 💎

    2 255 följare

    Är du en erfaren ledare med stark bakgrund inom forskning och utveckling, och erfarenhet från industrin då är det här rollen för dig! Swerim AB Din roll blir att bidra till utveckling av metallurgiska processer genom nära samarbeten med industrin för att skapa industrinytta. Mer information: https://lnkd.in/dP6SyM4q Lena Ekh

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  • Swerim participated in the company fair at the Chemistry Day at Luleå University of Technology, an event for high school students in their second and third years of science and technology programs in Norrbotten and Västerbotten in Sweden. What do you do at a research institute, is it possible to conduct high school projects, good examples of projects – were some of the questions that Alma Lundström, Jill Sundberg, and Marianne Magnelöv answered. Do you know someone who is interested in a high school project? See the QR code.                                                                                                    #researchinstitute, #student, #gymnasiearbete, #zincval, #GreenHeatEAF

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  • We were there! A career fair at KTH Royal Institute of Technology is always important for Swerim, and BKW was no exception. It was a fantastic day with many rewarding conversations with students. Hopefully, several of them will become future thesis workers with us. At the moment, we have just over 20 students doing their thesis work at Swerim.   The winner of yesterday’s competition was Elias Hayek!   Representing Swerim were Emil Strandh, Maja Andersson, Sixten Johansson, and Jesper Önell.   Thanks to everyone involved for a great day! #studentfair #research #masterthesis

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  • We have had a rewarding and inspiring day at work! The WISE – Wallenberg Initiative Material Science for Sustainability and around 30 doctoral students visited us and Talga Group. Together we had the opportunity to present our research for a sustainable industry and showcase our pilot and demonstration halls. It was a privilege to welcome all these engaged and curious doctoral students. Thank you for the visit! #research #sustainableindustry

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Swerim AB

    8 123 följare

    We are thrilled to welcome Marzieh Bagheri to Swerim! Marzieh will work with colleagues in the Environment and Energy group to improve resource and energy efficiency in various industrial processes. She brings expertise in process integration, energy efficiency, and techno-economic analysis, with a PhD in Energy Engineering (Energy System Analysis) from Luleå University of Technology. Her work has focused on resource recovery, industrial symbiosis, and developing scenarios that assist industries in making well-informed decisions. Whether it's evaluating energy recovery from waste, optimizing industrial symbiosis, or analyzing the effects of new energy solutions, she is passionate about contributing to a more efficient and sustainable industry. Connect with Marzieh to discuss industrial energy efficiency and sustainability! Photo: Muddus National Park in northern Sweden. #research #energyefficiency #processintegration #industrialsymbiosis

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Swerim AB

    8 123 följare

    Exciting collaboration with Eramet! We had the pleasure this week of welcoming Dr. Youssef Berro and Mr. Juan Nicolás Solano Alarcón from Eramet Ideas to Swerim. Together, we are working on an innovative project focused on the decarbonization of ferroalloy production through the use of renewable and green carbon sources. Our collaboration aims to accelerate the transition towards more efficient and sustainable production methods for ferroalloys. This initiative addresses the pressing challenges facing our industry and exemplifies our commitment to a greener future. For more information about this project, please contact our project leader, Dr. Elsayed Mousa at Swerim AB. Let’s drive change together! #research #collaboration #ferroalloy

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  • India-Sweden ITP Workshop We are excited to share that, in partnership with the Swedish Energy Agency, an expert team from Swerim ABMikael Larsson (Metallurgy Business Area Manager), Paul Cobden (Senior Researcher), and Elsayed Mousa (Senior Researcher) – participated in the Indian-Sweden Industry Transition Partnership (ITP) workshop for the steel sector. This significant event took place under the LeadIT programme in New Delhi on 6-7th February 2025. It was a privilege to engage with the Ministry of Steel in India, major Indian iron and steel producers, and representatives from esteemed organizations such as the Swedish Embassy in India and several of leading Swedish companies including Kanthal, Alleima, and Höganäs AB. During the workshop, we delved into strategies for decarbonizing the steel sector in both India and Sweden. The discussions highlighted numerous collaboration opportunities aimed at fostering sustainable steel production. The workshop concluded with several key points on synergies for collaboration between both nations for green steel production. In addition to the workshop, our team also visited the National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) in Delhi and the Polybond company in Raipur, further enriching our understanding of innovative energy solutions for green steel production. For more insights and details about our discussions, feel free to reach out to Mikael Larsson, Paul Cobden, and Elsayed Mousa Together, let's pave the way for a sustainable future in Green Steel! 🌱 #austainablesteel #decarbonization #greensteel #LeadIt Swedish Energy Agency

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  • Är du vår nya gruppchef, tekniker? Swerim erbjuder en spännande möjlighet att arbeta med teknik- och innovationsutveckling i en roll som omfattar ledarskap, teknisk expertis och nära samarbete med både interna team och industriella partners. I din roll som gruppchef kommer du att ansvara för en personalstyrka om 18 personer i Luleå – en grupp tekniker med olika inriktningar såsom operatörer, mekaniker, maskinförare & murare. Du kommer även att vara aktivt involverad i underhålls- och investeringsprojekt. Har du: –       erfarenhet från ledande befattning och personalansvar –       industriell erfarenhet från tung industri –       erfarenhet av budgetansvar och ekonomisk uppföljning kan detta vara en tjänst för dig. Det är även viktigt för oss att du delar våra kärnvärden samarbete, engagemang, nyfikenhet och integritet eftersom de är grundläggande för det vi gör. Hos oss finns stora möjligheter till personlig utveckling i våra uppdrag för en hållbar industri! Du rapporterar till affärsområdeschef för Pilot och demo och samarbetar med andra gruppchefer inom Swerim för att tillsammans utveckla verksamheten och affären. Om du är intresserad, ta gärna kontakt med rekryteringskonsult Johannes Granström, Cesab Rekrytering AB 💎 så berättar han mer om tjänsten och Swerim. Länk till mer info och intresseanmälan: https://lnkd.in/ddUvQcMK Vi ser fram emot din intresseanmälan och vad du kan bidra med hos oss.  

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  • More Efficient Steel Production with the EU Project ProcTwin. The ProcTwin project, funded by the EU and coordinated by the Metals Research Institute Swerim, has now been launched. The project aims to make steel production more efficient by combining process data, innovative sensor techniques, and digital twins of interconnected process steps. The aggregated data will be centralized on a secure platform for use with distributed machine learning. It is a unique project where separate process steps are intertwined to enhance process knowledge and enable proactive measures to increase yield.   "In the project, we will develop a demonstration platform to visualize material properties and provide steel producers with a tool to test alternative process parameters," says project manager Johan Lindwall, Swerim.   The four-year ProcTwin project is driven by 12 European partners with Swerim at the forefront. Participants include steel producers SSAB Special Steel and the CELSA GROUP company Global Steel Wire, as well as Swedish participants the University of Skövde and Prevas AB. In addition, research performers from Germany, Spain, and Austria and the industry organisation Estep in Belgium are involved.   The project is funded by Horizon | Europe with project number 101178721.

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  • The ZincVal project has launched its website!   The ZincVal project develop technologies that enable the reuse of low-zinc residues produced in current and future steelmaking processes. For further information, visit our project website, www.zincval.eu, where information and news will be published continuously.   Participating companies are Acciaierie d'Italia S.p.A. in A.S., CRM Group, Linde, ORI Martin Group, RINA Consulting - Centro Sviluppo Materiali (RINA-CSM), Swerim AB, Tata Steel Questions about the project? Contact Marianne Magnelöv, Swerim. #zinc, #steel, #valorisation, #recycling

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