Förra veckan fick vi möjlighet att presentera oss och berätta om världens viktigaste jobb på IKF-mässan i Malmö! Tack för en mycket trevlig och givande dag av nätverkande 🙌 Nu ser vi fram emot de intervjuer som vi bokat in med våra potentiellt nya personliga assistenter! ⭐️
Näringsliv och driv! 25 driven women jobseekers participated today in a different type of job fair together with 6 diverse companies/organizations that all strive to make a difference. Why is our job fair different from other job fairs? The companies took the stage to talk about their businesses and their needs. Then, the participants had the opportunity to pitch themselves to a large audience, which shows the courage, strength, and skills that these women possess! Näringsliv och driv! enable contacts to be made that might not otherwise have met. This creates the conditions for potential employment, internships, and networks. Stay tuned because this fall, we are running the event again - don't miss it! Many thanks to everyone who participated and for your commitment and drive. We would also like to thank the organizations that took the time to come and showed great interest during the day. Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB, Västergård Äldreboende, Sydassistans AB, Foocafe, Rekryteringsenheten Malmö and Skånes Vakanser Solutions. Baraa Hatem, Emma Wittlock, Viktoria Kozintsenko, Heléne Hellman.