At VAST we're a small team but we are powered by our collaborations 👉 and Nicholas has been a huge source of inspiration and help throughout the years.
Who inspired you to think bigger in 2024? Every field has its pioneers - people whose ideas shape how we work and think. In geomorphic landform design, Nicholas Bugosh, the creator of the GeoFluv method, is one of our biggest inspirations and collaborators. Instead of big pyramid-looking waste rock deposits, his work introduced natural-looking landforms to the industry. Landforms that: • Do not require long-term maintenance. • Promote biodiversity. Nicholas’s vision was about creating landscapes that thrive for generations to come. On our recent study trip, I said to Nicholas: 'You must be proud to see these sites after 20 years and how great they look and function. You don't even know it's a closed mine.' Hearing this brought a smile to his face. His influence will return mining disturbed land back to people and nature for decades to come. And continue to inspire geomorphic landform designers worldwide -including us! 💡 Do you have a person who inspired your work? #mining #sustainablemining #sustainability #mentorship