Interesting results from our friends at RockSigma! Understanding sesimic problems and the effect of rock mass movement has on ground support is vital for ensuring a safe and productive working environment underground. RockSigma's BEMIS system is probably the highest performing seismic analys tool available today. In addition, Thingwave's Smart bolt solution can deliver ground deformation data with tens of micrometer resolution and offers geotechnical experts real-time data from deep underground. For more information: see
Heads up folks! This vital experience is courtesy of Vale Base Metals (full reference at the end of the post). ⚠️ Seismic Risk: The Importance of Mapping Seismic Structures ⚠️ In deep mining, what we cannot see often poses the greatest risk. For example, in March 2022, a fault slip at Vale’s Coleman Mine occurred on an unmapped geological structure, and caused significant damage and highlighted a gap in seismic hazard assessments (Landry et al., 2024). Despite thorough geological reviews, this disrupting event happened on a previously unknown fault. This "blind spot" could have led to a catastrophic outcome. Source: Landry, D., Roy, J., Ramdass, N., Leite, A., & Shears, S. (2024). A case history of a major fault slip rockburst. Deep Mining 2024, 87-108. Australian Centre for Geomechanics. #UndergroundMining #MiningSafety #InnovationInMining