PRODUCT UPDATE - AUGUST → Schedules version 1 We've released the first version of Schedules. You can: - define shifts for the week for each driver - monitor in "Track" who is starting/working/ending shift - track planned shifts vs actual shift in analytics - driver can see his shifts in the driver app → Drivers API Now you can create and get driver information via API. This is especially helpful for clients that use their own dashboard to create drivers and track orders. This way they can automate the process of creating and managing drivers. → Zones in map Now you can see your zones in the map view. This is helpful for teams that use autodispatch or route optimization with zone constraints, so you can validate that the routes don’t cross the zones. → Multiple packages per order So far Kosmo allowed you to add one parcel per order. We’ve heard feedback from customers that would like to add multiple parcels to one order. Now you can do that via file upload, manually or API.