We are thrilled to see more and more blue economy-focused events, that bring together value-driven entrepreneurs, knowledgeable impact investors, corporates, and marine scientists. A shoutout to the committed professionals, old and new friends we had the pleasure to exchange with during the past weeks. It was our honour to support the ASEAN Blue Challenge, funded by Japan - The Government of Japan and managed by the UNDP and Creatella Impact | Development Organization teams (Satoko Okamoto; Guillaume Catella; Andrea Jeličić; Takehiko Serai, CFA). Narwhale Ventures / 10power9 Pte Ltd was engaged in the startup selection, mentoring and the last day festivities (panel; reverse pitch; 1-to-1 meetings). Congrats to the 60 finalists: their work strengthen the resilience of APAC. The Ocean Collective Summit, organized by The International SeaKeepers Society with the support of Fabien Cousteau, was a wonderful event. Our panel was composed of Janet Shum, Sustainable Investing Specialist at Citi Wealth, Celine Schulze, Managing Partner of Narwhale Ventures / 10power9 Pte Ltd, Dr. Daniel Mira Salama, Lead Environmental Specialist at The World Bank, and Ghislaine Nadaud, Senior Sustainable Investing Specialist at Robeco. Andreas Schulze, Managing Partner at Narwhale Ventures / 10power9 Pte Ltd, was Keynote Speaker and Panellist at the Bali Ocean Days, before flying to another stage at his Alma Mater (in Germany) to further strengthen the cooperation between European and Asian blue economy stakeholders. Panellists include Dr. Vincent Pieribone (CEO at OceanX), Dr. Udhi Eko Hernawan (BRIN), David Aromokeye (The World Bank), Martin Koehring (United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)), Minna Epps (IUCN), Dr Laura Elsler (Harvard University). Between the joyful events, we reach the milestones one by one, thanks to each of our value-driven partners. Diversity and drive have been leveraged to foster sustainable development. #EconomicDevelopment #Collaboration #Diversity