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BSP Energy Exchange LL C

BSP Energy Exchange LL C

Oil and Gas

Ljubljana, Osrednja Slovenija 1,383 followers

Your energy choice since 2008

About us

We focus on providing best possible trading environment for nearly 40 members from 11 different countries all across the continent. In 2018 BSP celebrated 10 years since the establishment of the Slovenian energy exchange. Members of the exchange can trade day-ahead, intraday continuous, and intraday (CRIDA) auctions. Lately, BSP proved itself also as a long-term auction center with already successfully performed auctions for Slovenian TSO ELES, DSO SODO, biggest energy consumer company TALUM. Total trading volume in 2023 reached nearly 11.6 TWh, net yearly clearing settlement amounted to 1626 million EUR. In 2022 we have coupled on all borders. With 30th June the interconnector between Hungary and Slovenia went into operation. We have also been deeply involved with different parties to integrate Core Flow-Based Market coupling in the Single Day-Ahead Coupling. BSP Energy Exchange LL C Dunajska cesta 156 SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: + 386 1 620 76 76 Fax: + 386 1 620 76 77 E-mail: Registration number: 3327124000 EU VAT number: SI 37748661 Entry at Ljubljana District Court No.: 2008/18261 Commercial account number: SI56 2900 0005 5507 040

Oil and Gas
Company size
11-50 employees
Ljubljana, Osrednja Slovenija
Power Exchange, power trading, power trading central europe, CEE energy, power trading Slovenia, slovenian power exchange, power exchange slovenia, regional energy exchange, day ahead trading, auction energy trading, energy exchange, energy trading, sipx, market coupling, implicit auctions, intraday auctions, electricity trading, Day ahead auction, and day ahead


Employees at BSP Energy Exchange LL C


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