Energetska agencija KSSENA / Energy Agency KSSENA reposted this
We're #hiring a new Projektni vodja in Velenje, Velenje. Apply today or share this post with your network.
Energy Agency of Savinjska, Šaleška and Koroška Region
External link for Energetska agencija KSSENA / Energy Agency KSSENA
Koroška cesta 37a
Velenje, 3320, SI
Energetska agencija KSSENA / Energy Agency KSSENA reposted this
We're #hiring a new Projektni vodja in Velenje, Velenje. Apply today or share this post with your network.
We're #hiring a new Projektni vodja in Velenje, Velenje. Apply today or share this post with your network.
Zahvaljujemo se vam za zaupanje in sodelovanje v letošnjem letu. ✨ Želimo vam vesele praznike in se veselimo novih priložnosti in izzivov v prihajajočem letu. Na ustvarjanje še bolj trajnostne skupne prihodnosti v letu 2025! ❄️ 🎄 ✨ 👉 Praznično glasilo lahko preberete tukaj: https://shorturl.at/ubpF6 🌐 Za več informacij obiščite našo spletno stran: https://lnkd.in/d2Mw_Snb #HyEfRe #greenhydrogen #renewableenergy #interregCE
Thank you for your trust and cooperation this year. ✨ We wish you happy holidays and look forward to the opportunities of the coming year. Here's to building an even more sustainable future together in 2025! ❄️ 🎄 ✨ Read the full season's greetings newsletter here: https://shorturl.at/ubpF 6 For more information, visit our website: https://lnkd.in/d2Mw_Snb #HyEfRe #newsletter #greenhydrogen #renewableenergy #sustainability #interregCE
🌿 Izšla je druga številka glasila projekta HyEfRe! Vabljeni k branju o napredku projekta! 👉 Celotno glasilo najdete tukaj: https://lnkd.in/dkZe4wG2 🌐 Za več informacij obiščite spletno stran projekta: https://lnkd.in/gYeP8PTB #HyEfRe #Newsletter #GreenHydrogen #RenewableEnergy #Sustainability #InterregCE
📢 HyEfRe project newsletter - second issue out now! 🌿 We’re thrilled to share the latest updates on the HyEfRe project, fostering green hydrogen ecosystems to accelerate the renewable energy transition. 🚀 Highlights: 🔹 New hydrogen potential model for energy planning. 🔹 Decision support tool for hydrogen hub implementation. 🔹 Next meeting in Ljubljana, December 10-11. 👉 Read the full newsletter here: https://lnkd.in/dkZe4wG2 #HyEfRe #Newsletter #GreenHydrogen #RenewableEnergy #Sustainability #InterregCE #EnergyTransition #HydrogenEcosystem
The inception video of #Renewat is out! Watch it to learn more about the project and its partners!
🎬 We are happy to announce that the #RENEWAT inception video is out! 🎬 Get inspired by the mission of our project through this video, showcasing the key actions and objectives that will drive us forward. Every partner country played an important role in bringing this to life, and we are proud of our collaboration! 👉 Watch the video here: https://lnkd.in/dsTmp-ZU #renewat #InterregEurope #watermills #renewableenergies #hydropower #Cooperation
Prejšnji teden se je konzorcij 13 partnerjev iz 12 različnih držav Podonavja zbral v čudoviti Budvi v Črni gori na partnerskem sestanku projekta NRGCOM. V okviru sestanka so potekale poglobljene razprave, predstavitve in interaktivne delavnice, osredotočene na napredek, spoznanja in naslednjo fazo izvajanja projekta. Poleg udeleževanja na sestankih in delavnicah, smo imeli po zaslugi naših gostiteljev iz organizacije FORS Montenegro - Fondacija za razvoj sjevera Crne Gore, tudi priložnost, da se povežemo ob ostalih neverjetnih doživetjih in ustvarimo skupne spomine, ki bodo okrepili naše sodelovanje v prihodnosti. Zdaj se z novo energijo in navdušenjem podajamo naprej, pripravljeni, da skupaj dosežemo vse zastavljene projektne cilje v okviru programa Interreg Podonavje.
Last week, the consortium of 13 partners from 12 different countries of the Danube Region gathered in beautiful Budva, Montenegro, for an inspiring partner meeting. 💡 The event featured insightful discussions, presentations and interactive workshops, focused on the progress, the learnings and the next phase of implementation. 🎯 Beyond the productive sessions, thanks to our wonderful hosts from FORS Montenegro, we also had the chance to bond over incredible experiences, creating common memories that will strengthen our collaboration in the future. 🤝 Now, we move forward with renewed energy and excitement, ready to achieve our project goals together in the frames of the Interreg Danube Region Programme. ✨️ #nrgcom #drp #DanubeRegionProgramme #partnermeeting #ppmeeting #DanubeRegion #transnationalconsortium #energycommunities #REC #renewableenergycommunities #RES #energytransition #eufunded
Vanguard Initiative Regions Innovating for a Just Transition to Hydrogen Economy Slovensko gospodarsko in raziskovalno združenje (SBRA) je v okviru Evropskega tedna regij in mest in v sodelovanju z občino Velenje in Zavodom KSSENA ter pobudo Vanguard organizirala delavnico z naslovom Vanguard Initiative Regions Innovating for a Just Transition to Hydrogen Economy, ki se je odvijala 9. oktobra 2024 v Bruslju. Regije so poudarile pomen mednarodnega sodelovanja in premostitve vrzeli v znanju in spretnostih v vodikovi industriji. To je ključnega pomena za uresničitev evropskih ambicij na področju vodika in hkratno spodbujanje socialne kohezije. Regionalne oblasti so predstavile svoja lokalna prizadevanja pri oblikovanju zdravih okolij za svoje skupnosti in prihodnje generacije, hkrati pa spodbudile razpravo o pozitivnem vplivu, ki ga lahko ima razvoj vodikove industrije na prihodnost. Govorec na dogodku je bil tudi direktor Zavoda KSSENA, Boštjan Krajnc.
🌿 Izšla je prva številka glasila projekta #RENEWAT! Vabljeni k branju o napredku projekta! 👉 Celotno glasilo najdete tukaj: https://lnkd.in/dwa-P6yz 🌐 Za več informacij obiščite našo spletno stran: https://lnkd.in/eRDP5XKC #GreenEurope #watermills #InterregEurope #renewableenergies #hydropower #sustainability
#Renewat stands for "Renewable Energies in European Water Mills" and unites 9 partners from 8 different countries with the aim to share knowledge and implement actions about renewable energy projects in existing watermills. 👉 Visit Renewat Project and check the project webpage https://lnkd.in/eRDP5XKC to learn more!
❗A new infographic from RENEWAT project is out❗ Do you know about the components of a watermill? 👉 Deepening the knowledge on watermill infrastructures is an important first step of our project. Explore this infographic to discover the main characteristics of watermills, including the specifications on the river flows. 🌐 Follow us and stay informed! #renewat #InterregEurope #GreenTransition #watermills
Z velikim zadovoljstvom vas vabimo k sodelovanju na seriji okroglih miz, ki bodo potekale v mesecu septembru v okviru projekta NRGCOM, ki se osredotoča na oblikovanje ustreznega pravnega, operativnega in finančnega okolja za vzpostavitev in rast energetskih skupnosti v Podonavju. Projekt NRGCOM združuje 13 projektnih partnerjev ter 14 pridruženih strateških partnerjev iz 12 držav s ciljem spodbujati razvoj energetskih skupnosti v Podonavski regiji, in sicer z reševanjem regulativnih, finančnih in operativnih izzivov ter s čezmejno izmenjavo najboljših praks. Podrobnosti o dogodku: Datum: 11. september 2024 Čas: 09:00-12:45 po srednjeevropskem času Platforma: ZOOM Teme okrogle mize: 1. Pravne oblike energetskih skupnosti 2. Deležniki in mreženje 3. Ustanovitev energetskih skupnosti
We are pleased to invite you to a series of professional online roundtable discussions, to be organised in the frames of the NRGCOM project. During the upcoming roundtables, besides the presentation of the project results, best practices, legal frameworks, stakeholder engagement and the foundational aspects of setting up energy communities in the Danube Region will be explored. Our objective is to learn from real-world experiences and gather insights which will be incorporated into a strategy aiming at contributing to establishing a proper background for the establishment of energy communities in the region. The three roundtables address the following topics: ▪ September 11, 2024 - Creating appropriate legal environment for the energy communities in the Danube Region - https://fb.me/e/5x94leLJT ▪ September 18, 2024 - The operational and financial environment of a successful energy community in the Danube Region - https://fb.me/e/7B4eG5ARy ▪ September 25, 2024 - Socialization and good governance of a successful energy community of the Danube Region - https://fb.me/e/5qBfZRxCl The events will be conducted in English, with stakeholders, associated strategic partners, experts, professionals, as well as the most important actors of the energy sectors among the expected attendees. If you are interested in attending one or more of the sessions, please register using the following form: https://lnkd.in/dFM7YhJC For further information, please see the Facebook events linked above.