Sme nesmierne hrdí, že prestížny magazín PM Review magazine: metal powders and Powder Metallurgy venoval v aktuálnom vydaní priestor prezentácii našej spoločnosti GEVORKYAN a.s. Ďakujeme redakcii za možnosť predstaviť naše úspechy a inovatívne riešenia v oblasti práškovej metalurgie. Celý článok si môžete prečítať na tomto linku:
📌 The Winter 2024 issue of Powder Metallurgy Review is out now: This 88-page Winter 2024 issue includes over forty pages of industry news from the last quarter and the following articles: ✔️ Powder Metallurgy: Discover innovative technologies meeting the demands of vehicle electrification ✔️ Gevorkyan a.s.: Europe’s fast-growing PM company achieving success through a diversified customer base ✔️ Powder Metallurgy in Asia: A status update from the World PM2024 Congress, Yokohama 📥 Get your free PDF download here: 📑 Visit the following link to read the issue in your browser: Thanks to the following authors and organisations for their contributions and cooperation: Metal Powder Industries Federation, Bernard North, GEVORKYAN a.s., Artur Gevorkyan, and Dr Georg Schlieper. #powdermetallurgy #metalpowder #injectionmolding #additivemanufacturing #automotive #supercar #electricvehicles #magnets #hardmagnets #battery #events