Thank you for being part of our journey and have a joyful and successful 2025! ✨
Slovak Space Office
Government Administration
Supporting development of the Slovak space sector and its internationalisation.
About us
Slovak Space Office is a joint project of Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) and the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport of the Slovak Republic. While the ministry-led Political Branch is responsible for inter-ministerial political coordination and multilateral issues, the Industrial Branch at SARIO is in charge of developing the Slovak space ecosystem and bilateral international cooperation. The Industrial Branch of the Slovak Space Office is the official Slovak national contact point for international cooperation for the space agencies, offices, associations as well as businesses and research entities. We aim to support Slovak entrepreneurs and researchers in integrating into European industrial structures and participating in international projects. Our objective is to actively develop international professional cooperation of Slovakia with relevant actors in the space industry field. This LinkedIn page is administered by the Industrial branch of the Slovak Space Office. For more information about the Slovak space sector, see also our Space Industry in Slovakia overview:
- Website
External link for Slovak Space Office
- Industry
- Government Administration
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Bratislava
- Type
- Government Agency
- Founded
- 2021
Bratislava, SK
Employees at Slovak Space Office
Michal Brichta
Director of Slovak Space Office - Industry Branch | IAF VP | Forbes 30 under 30 | Advancing Slovak knowledge economy & international space cooperation
Kristián Ondáč
Sector Development Manager at Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency • Slovak Space Office
Lenka Tkáčová
Communication & Education Manager at the Slovak Space Office | Literature Enthusiast
✅ Vláda SR schválila vôbec prvú stratégiu vesmírnych aktivít! ✅ Vesmírna stratégia SR 2030+ poukazuje na strategický význam a dôležitosť vesmírnych aktivít na Slovensku. Naznačuje vízie rozvoja v oblastiach ako výskum a vzdelávanie, služby pre štátnu správu a obyvateľstvo, rozvoj vesmírneho priemyslu, bezpečnosť a obranu či popularizáciu vesmírnych aktivít. Súčasťou stratégie sú aj čiastkové ciele a opatrenia na podporu dosiahnutia týchto oblastí. Vyplýva to z materiálu z dielne Ministerstvo školstva, výskumu, vývoja a mládeže Slovenskej republiky, ktorý dnes schválila vláda. „Vesmírny sektor sa v posledných desaťročiach zmenil z čisto výskumnej oblasti na motor ekonomického rastu. SR by mala využiť tento potenciál na rozvoj konkurencieschopnosti svojho priemyslu. Vďaka svojej rôznorodosti vesmírne aktivity poskytujú zároveň množstvo benefitov v mnohých ďalších oblastiach života spoločnosti." Celý materiál je k dispozícii na tomto odkaze:
WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE WOMEN IN AEROSPACE EUROPE REGIONAL NETWORK IN SLOVAKIA! 🙌 The founding co-leaders of this group are Lenka Tkáčová from Slovak Space Office and Nicole Majska from Centrum vedecko-technických informácií SR (CVTI SR). As women working in this field, they are passionate advocates for increasing female participation in space projects and paving the way for more women to study and work in Slovakia's growing space sector. 👩🔬 WIA-Europe Slovakia Regional Network will focus on building a strong community for young women in the Slovak aerospace industry. Its mission is to inspire and empower girls and women to pursue opportunities in this field through initiatives aligned with four strategic pillars: ✅ Advocacy ✅ Education & Outreach ✅ Professional Development ✅ Industry Partnerships Stay tuned for upcoming initiatives and events designed to empower the next generation of women in aerospace! Follow their new LinkedIn page WIA-Europe Slovakia Regional Network to stay updated and never miss an announcement. 🌟 A big thank you goes to Christiane Llaca, Luisella Giulicchi, and Olesya Klyuchenkova from Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-Europe) for their invaluable support in establishing the Slovakia Regional Network! #WIAEurope #Slovakia #WomenInSTEM #SpaceIndustry #Aerospace #DiversityInSTEM
Naši kolegovia Daniel Sagath a Lenka Tkáčová budúci vás týždeň prevedú konferenciou Žijem Vedu 👩🔬🧑🔬 Dnes je posledný deň na registráciu, nenechajte si to ujsť!
🛸 Z vesmíru na konferenciu Žijem Vedu naživo 2024! S blížiacim sa dátumom našej konferencie by sme vám radi predstavili moderátorský tím, ktorí vás prevedie skvelým programom Žijem vedu naživo 2024. Lenka Tkáčová a Daniel Sagath pracujú v Slovenskej vesmírnej kancelárii Slovak Space Office a 20. decembra si odskočia od vesmírnej problematiky k moderovaniu konferencie Žijem vedu naživo 2024. Daniel je odborník na vesmírnu politiku, stratégie a inovácie s dlhoročnými skúsenosti v oblasti vesmírneho sektora. Ako výskumník pracoval pre viaceré medzinárodné organizácie. V Slovenskej vesmírnej kancelárii pôsobí ako manažér pre medzinárodnú spoluprácu. Lenka pracuje ako PR manažérka priemyselnej zložky Slovenskej vesmírnej kancelárie. Vyštudovala odbor medzinárodné vzťahy a bezpečnostné štúdiá, počas štúdia sa aktívne zaujímala o témy vesmírnej politiky a vesmírneho práva. Nenechajte si ujsť Žijem vedu naživo 2024, dnes je posledný deň registrácie: Za podporu ďakujeme Nadácii ESET, BTS group, Slido a NHF EUBA - Národohospodárska fakulta [Faculty of Economics and Finance] #zvn2024 #networking #slovakscience
🚀 Announcing the Results of the 3rd Batch of Spaceport Incubator! 🌟 At the close of the Spaceport Hackathon 2024: Gaming Edition, we proudly revealed the results of the third batch of our Spaceport Incubator, recognizing the exceptional efforts and achievements of our teams over the past six months. 🏆 Overall Winner: Datafrost Space Congratulations to Dimitar Ferdinandov, Feline Van Bakel, and Sibtain Ali Thepdawala! Their project aims to encourage the use of satellite and Earth observation data services through effective matchmaking. In their own words: "We seek to encourage the use of services, powered by satellite and Earth observation data, through effective matchmaking." 🎖 Best Progress Award: UMBRA solutions Kudos to Max Martin, Viktória Zeťáková, Jozef Boglarsky, and Maroš Michalov! Their innovative project provides processed satellite and drone data to customers, enabling effective and objective decision-making in agriculture. A huge round of applause to both teams for their, ideas, work, and dedication! 👏 We extend our deepest gratitude to the incubation partners who supported our teams: Touch4IT, Agrobiotech, Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia - Innovlab_Kosice, Needronix, ÚEF Slovenská akadémia vied / Slovak Academy of Sciences, Technologický inkubátor UNIZA, and 3IPK. Additionally, a big thank you to the partners who provided valuable workshops: DLA Piper, Civitta, CFSD Space, Orbitaly Solutions, Nalgoo®, Zero One Hundred, and Crowdberry. We are also immensely grateful to our esteemed international advisors, whose expertise guided our participants: 🌍 Kelli Kedis Ogborn from Space Foundation 🌍 Ines Castelao from European Space Agency - ESA 🌍 Freddy Geyer from Thales Alenia Space 🌍 Jaroslav Toth from European Investment Bank (EIB) 🌍 Martin Rusnak from EUSPA - EU Agency for the Space Programme We deeply appreciate the opportunity to build the Slovak space ecosystem and support future space leaders in Slovakia. Thank you all for making this incubation journey a tremendous success! 🚀 We already look forward to the Batch #4! 🙌 #SpaceportIncubator #SpaceTechnology #SatelliteData #EarthObservation
🚀 Celebrating the Winners of Spaceport Hackathon 2024: Gaming Edition! 🎮 The Industry branch of the Slovak Space Office (SARIO) is thrilled to announce the success of the Spaceport Hackathon 2024: Gaming Edition, which brought together the worlds of space technology and game development in an exciting and educational way! 🌌👾 🏆 Overall Winner: 🎉 Team "Neviem ešte" with their game SAT-E – a game that addresses the challenge of space debris and telecommunication in an interactive and fun way. 🎖 Participants’ Choice Award: 👏 Team "Space Rats" for their game Out of Space – a crowd favorite, chosen through voting by fellow hackathon teams. We are excited to welcome the winning teams to the next batch of the Spaceport Incubator, where they’ll have the opportunity to continue their journey at the intersection of space innovation and gaming! 🚀🌟 A huge thank you to our esteemed partners – Nine Rocks Games, Grindstone,, EUSPA - EU Agency for the Space Programme – for contributing amazing prizes that made the event even more memorable for the participants. 🏅🎁 Special thanks go to our amazing game dev mentors – without them, this would not have been possible: 🎓 Magdaléna Švecová, Tomáš Farkaš from Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava 🎮 Marian Ferko, Jakub Palkovič, and Martin Macháček from Nine Rocks Games 🎮 Samuel Molčanyi and Peter Horňák from Games Farm 🎮 Dean Krajčovič and Peter Bartko from Dreamrise Studios We also had incredible space mentors who guided the participants: 🚀 Radovan Hilbert from YMS 🚀 Nicole Majska from Centrum vedecko-technických informácií SR (CVTI SR) 🚀 Peter Vaník from EUSPA Special thanks also to Maroš Brojo from Slovak Game Developers Association, Karol Cagáň from the Slovak eSports Association, Michal Ferko, Michal Kabát, Matej Hudák ➡️GDS Prague, Lubica Fandl Drangová and Tomas Slama for their invaluable contributions! The hackathon took place in the inspiring venue provided by our general partner, IBM Slovakia, with special thanks to Ivan M. for his unwavering support. 🙌 Thank you all for making this event truly extraordinary! 🙏 📸 Viktoria Akbariova #SpaceportHackathon #GamingEdition #SpaceTechnology #Innovation #GameDev #SpaceDebris #Education #SARIO #IBM #SpaceAndGames #HackathonWinners #MentorsThankYou
🌟 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION IN EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS IS KEY! Last year, we received valuable knowledge and experience from the CANSAT Hungary competition organizers - the Hungarian Astronautical Society. And we continue this collaboration, which is why our colleague Lenka Tkáčová visited the "Great Meeting" in Budapest to share insights from our finale. Today, we have a project proposal deadline and are eager to see what teams have developed. With a high number of competitors this year, stay tuned for more insights! Thanks for inviting us to this insightful event: Anna Krisztina Székely & Istvan Arnocz.
✨ Už tento piatok štartuje Spaceport Hackathon 2024 – Gaming Edition! 🚀🎮 Čaká nás víkend plný kreativity, inovácií a technologických výziev, kde budeme prepájať svet herného vývoja a vesmíru. Tímy budú tvoriť hry, ktoré využívajú satelitné dáta alebo popularizujú vesmír a vesmírne technológie zábavným a edukatívnym spôsobom. 🌌 Veľké ďakujeme patrí nášmu generálnemu partnerovi 💡 IBM, ktoré nám poskytne moderné, inšpiratívne priestory a technologické zázemie. Ďakujeme aj partnerom, ktorí nám pomáhajú zabezpečiť mentoring, či ceny pre víťazov: Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, EUSPA - EU Agency for the Space Programme, Nine Rocks Games, Grindstone, Slovak Game Developers Association, Slovenská asociácia elektronických športov SAEŠ,, Dreamrise Studios. 🙌 Sledujte nás, aby ste videli, čo všetko dokáže vzniknúť, keď sa spojí kreativita, technológie a vesmír. 🌠 #SpaceportHackathon #GamingEdition #SpaceTech #GameDev #Innovation #Slovakia
ESA Info Days started yesterday with a record-breaking number of more than a hundred registered participants! This annual event provides an ideal opportunity for Slovak space companies and researchers to learn about collaboration opportunities with the European Space Agency - ESA including the optional programs and the annual national call for proposals. We also used this opportunity to introduce the Slovak space ecosystem to four new international partners Apogeo Space, Axiom Space, DLA Piper, SATLANTIS. Wishing all participants successful proposal writing!
🚀 CHCEŠ SA ZÚČASTNIŤ NÁŠHO DECEMBROVÉHO HACKATHONU ALE V TÉMACH AKO SPACE TECH ALEBO GAME DEVELOPMENT NIE SI DOMA? MÁME RIEŠENIE: 🌟 Už 28.11. o 17:00 sa uskutočnia 2 tématické online workshopy na tému: 1. Ako prežiť Game Jam (Michal Kabát – Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava) – workshop predstaví praktické tipy ako sa pripraviť na game jam, na čo nezabudnúť, na čo sa sústrediť a pod. 2. Space pre gamerov (Kristián Ondáč - Slovenská vesmírna kancelária a Nicole Majska - absolventka YGT stáže v ESA, CVTI) – prepojenie vesmírnych technológií a gamingu. Workshop má za úlohu priblížiť možnosti satelitných dát/signálu a ich uplatnenie v rámci developmentu hier. Taktiež priblížime, akým spôsobom je možné popularizovať samotný vesmír a vesmírne technológie so zreteľom na edukatívnosť. 📅 Registrácia na hackathon je otvorená do 30. novembra: