Reconnaissance Quand d'autres célèbres notre directeur, on ne peut que s'en réjouir. Bravo Hamadou Tidiane SY Merci Ashoka Africa Ashoka Ashoka Afrique Francophone #leadership #changemakers #social_engagement #media #communication.
Thank you Hamadou Tidiane SY, Ashoka Fellow, for your unwavering commitment to advancing the Everyone a Changemaker (EACH) vision. You have been a dedicated partner and co-creator of the Sommet des Acteurs du Changement. Your showing up and steadfastly supporting have been invaluable in driving transformative change across the Sahel region. Thank you for your leadership and contributions to shaping a future where Changemaking is the norm. #AshokaAfricaAppreciation24 #EveryoneAChangemaker #AshokaAfrica