southern4perspective (Posts tagged raising children)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Borage seed harvest.
July 21 2016

Borage has been a great companion flower in our garden beds this summer. It has done a great job of bringing in pollinators. Also, the flower and small leaves are very tasty with a light cucumber flavor. It was always a great experience to place a few flowers on top of an ice water. It’s now recorded in our memory banks as one of the smells and tastes of summer.

Children are well-suited for this type of work. They have small hands, are fond of gathering, and seem to be excited to place little things in little jars.

Here is a wiki link for further reading on Borage:



borage borage flower seeds seed harvest homeschooling homeschool raising children summertime summer garden beds pollinators companion planting Permaculture guilds seedhead homeschool atlanta

Higher expectations
July 18th 16

We often give our children tasks that we are apprehensive in assigning to them. In retrospect, it seems right that in the teaching of children, that both parties are treading slightly uncomfortably. It’s better said by Confucius when he quoted, “Always be uncomfortable”. It’s in discomfort we always learn best right? Before I had children, I would not of believed that a five-year-old would be able to shoulder the tasks that we give our children presently, with ease, so naturally.

I hope his latest blog post finds you guys doing well, healthier, and more excited about moving forward.



made with tumblr gif homeschooling raising children children learning nongmo natural foods breakfast backyard farming kitchen kitchen lighting task lighting modt5 indoor growing indoorgrowing grow light homeschool atlanta

The loose tooth
May 16th Atlanta, Ga.

We took a unique approach to removing a loose tooth that our boy had this morning. We had a laugh, and the boy was brave, but I don’t suggest trying this at home. We’ve had years of hunting experiences side-by-side together which I believe is a needed prerequisite for even thinking about a method like this.

We hope this post finds you guys doing well and enjoying this spring weather!

Respectfully, K

compound bow bow hunting loose teeth loose tooth homeschooling homeschool modern children raising children home remedy diy projects

A Headstart?
April, 20th 2016

Our son has his first robot! We are very excited about this. This will be the boys and my first course in robotics programing. I placed a link to “Sparki” below so you can see what its all about and what we will be teaching the children by using this educational toy. Our children’s generation, unlike ours, is embarking on a time in history where they will be interacting and utalizing robotics at a level that is still oblivious to us. As technology in this field advances there is no telling how this new generation will be using robotics and A.I. when they are our age. Consider that in the time between the Wright brothers flight at Kitty Hawk and Neil Armstrong’s first step on the moon was only 70 years. With technology quickening because of compounding technologies who knows how robotics will play and every day life 20 years from now.

We hope that this toy will inspire the children to form an early relationship with coding robot function and in conjunction with 3D printing and Auto-cad give them a head-start in the brave new world.

A big thank you goes out to the Fairy Godmother and Marco for the “Sparki”

We hope our latest blog post finds your reasons changing over the years.



Link to Sparki:
robotics Sparki homeschool homeschooling arduino educational toys children learning raising children

Unplug your children

Unplug your children.

I bought our son (5yr boy)  a pair of Japanese sandals when I was in little Tokyo, LA this past weekend. He was genuinely happy to receive them. Then I recalled the last time I bought him something. It was about two months ago, I bought him a pair of in-line skates at the Goodwill. We rarely buy him anything he does not need. We don’t fill his life with unnecessary things. We rarely ever buy him toys. When we are in stores he very rarely ask us to buy him anything because he knows what the answer is going to be. The answer is always, “do you have any money to buy that?” I believe it is too easy these days to fill a child’s life with unnecessary toys. We believe it’s a distraction and prohibits an accelerated growth of creativity and self-awareness. For example, Our son is a great swimmer! When he turned five he was already diving into the deep end and swimming to the other end of the pool. When we go to the pool we have three things sunblock snacks and a towel. It seems every time we go to the pool parents comment on how great he swims and often ask “how old is he?” Meanwhile, Their children that are the same age as our son are not swimming yet and they have a bag full of toys that are distracting them from developing a relationship with the water. Here is where I say something that is probably going to upset a lot of parents. When we are driving, our children are not watching movies or playing games on their iPads. An exception for us is when we drove to Florida. There are lots of great learning applications that we will grant them access to if the trip is going to be over four hours long. For every day driving, they are free to sketch in their books or look out the window. Studying the world around them as we drive stimulates great conversation. It’s sometimes a challenge to explain this to the children when they see their friends climbing into a minivan and pushing play on the built-in TV screen in front of their faces. I believe it’s ridiculous. And I know some parents are going to say, “but the children get so bored and need some entertainment!” My reply, “Well just keep fostering your responsibility as your child’s entertainment manager for the rest of your life.” I believe that children are like seeds. They are like seeds because what they really need is water, nutrients, and sunshine delivered in a caring and loving way.



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