Space Designer volume envelope controls in Final Cut Pro
The Space Designer effect’s volume envelope is used to set the reverb’s initial level and adjust how the volume changes over time. You can edit all volume envelope parameters numerically, and many can also be edited graphically (see Edit Space Designer envelopes in Final Cut Pro).
![The Space Designer volume envelope controls and nodes.](
Init Level field: Set the initial volume level of the impulse response attack phase. The value is expressed as a percentage of the full-scale volume of the impulse response file. The attack phase is generally the loudest point of the impulse response. Set Init Level to 100% to ensure maximum volume for the early reflections.
Attack Time field: Determine the length of time before the decay phase of the volume envelope begins.
Decay Time field: Set the length of the decay phase.
Volume decay mode buttons: Set the volume decay curve type.
Exp: The output of the volume envelope is shaped by an exponential algorithm, to generate the most natural-sounding reverb tail.
Lin: The volume decay will be more linear (and less natural sounding).
End Level field: Set the end volume level. The value is expressed as a percentage of the overall volume envelope.
If set to 0%, you can fade out the tail.
If set to 100%, you can’t fade out the tail, and the reverb stops abruptly (if the end point falls within the tail).
If the end time falls outside the reverb tail, End Level has no effect.