Add titles to your trailer in iMovie on Mac
Each trailer includes a number of preset titles, which you can edit in the Storyboard pane. Some trailers also include credit information, which you can edit in the Outline pane.
Edit titles in your trailer
In the iMovie app
on your Mac, open a trailer and click the Storyboard tab.
To open a trailer, double-click it in Projects view.
The storyboard appears, with placeholder text you can edit.
The text bars are arranged in the order in which the titles appear in your trailer.
Click the placeholder text, type new text, and press Return.
You can mimic the wording style of the placeholder text to preserve the mood and pace of the trailer.
Edit trailer credits and other information
In the iMovie app
on your Mac, open a trailer and click the Outline tab.
To open a trailer, double-click it in Projects view.
Click the placeholder text and type new text.
The placeholder text varies by template. The possible categories include:
Name and Date: Type the movie name, its release date (for example, “July 2020,” or “7/10/20”), and any other information required, following the model of the placeholder text.
Cast: Type the names of the people featured in the footage you plan to use. Some templates have no cast members, and some templates allow you to delete or add cast members by clicking the Delete button (–) or Add button (+) to the right of a field.
Gender: Click the pop-up menu and choose a gender for each cast member.
Studio: Type a fictitious studio name, and then click the pop-up menu and choose a logo style.
Credits: Type a name in each of the credits fields.
Note: You can’t leave any fields blank because iMovie incorporates all fields into the trailer.