Move a FaceTime call to another device
You can move a FaceTime call between your Mac and another device when you’re signed in with the same Apple ID.
Note: To hand off a FaceTime call, your devices need macOS Ventura 13, iOS 16, iPadOS 16, or later. Each device also needs to be connected to the same Wi-Fi network and have Bluetooth and Handoff turned on. See the Apple Support article Use Handoff to continue tasks on your other devices.
During a FaceTime call, do any of the following:
Continue a FaceTime call on your Mac: Click Move Call to This Mac or click the FaceTime icon
in the menu bar, then click the Switch button.
Continue a FaceTime call on your iPhone or iPad: Tap Move Call to This [device] or tap the FaceTime button
at the top of the screen, then tap the Switch button.
To bring the call back to the original device, click or tap the Switch button.