Save part or all of a web page in Safari on Mac
You can save an entire web page, including all its graphics and links, or just parts of it.
Save text from a web page
In the Safari app
on your Mac, drag selected text to a document or the desktop.
Copy an image from a web page
In the Safari app
on your Mac, Control-click the image.
Choose Save Image to Downloads, Save Image As, or Add Image to Photos.
Some images, such as background images, can’t be saved.
Tip: With some images, you can drag the image directly to a document or your desktop.
Save a link from a web page
In the Safari app
on your Mac, drag the link to a document or the desktop, or Control-click the link and choose Add Link to Bookmarks or Add Link to Reading List.
Save an entire web page
In the Safari app
on your Mac, choose File > Save As.
Choose Format > Web Archive or Format > Page Source.
Web archive: Saves all graphics, and links work as long as the destination web pages are available. Web archives are useful for temporary pages, such as receipts.
Page source: Saves only the HTML source code. This is useful if you want to use the HTML source in a web page of your own.
Note: Some web pages may prevent you from saving items that appear on the page.