Update devices using Apple Configurator
You can choose to update iOS or iPadOS devices so they have the latest app updates, the latest operating system version, or both.
Update devices
In Apple Configurator
, attach all the devices you want to update, then select those devices in the device window.
Click the Update button
in the toolbar.
Select the type of update you want to perform:
Apps only
Latest operating system version
Latest operating system version and apps
Update beta software
In Apple Configurator
, install beta software on a device, select the device in the device window, and drag the .ipsw file onto the device.
For more information about beta operating system versions of iOS and iPadOS, go to the Apple Developer website for iOS or iPadOS.
Update or restore iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV devices
In Apple Configurator
, select the device in the device window and drag the .ipsw file onto the device, then choose to update or restore the device.
Note: Because of dependency on architecture and system changes to any current version of an Apple operating system, you shouldn’t restore to an older operating system.
If you’re restoring to an older version of software, you’re notified that the operating system may not function properly on the device.
Add the update or restore function to a Blueprint
In Apple Configurator
, select the Blueprint in the device window and drag the .ipsw file onto the Blueprint. When you’re ready to apply the Blueprint, the update or restore action will take place.