Main window shortcuts in GarageBand on Mac
These keyboard shortcuts are available in the Tracks area, the Library and the Browser.
Action | Shortcut |
Start recording | R |
Start playback | Enter (on numeric keypad) |
Stop playback | Zero (on numeric keypad) |
Start or Stop playback | Space bar |
Move the playhead back one bar | Comma (,) |
Move the playhead forward one bar | Full stop (.) |
Start playback from selection | Shift-Space bar |
Move the cycle range forward by one cycle length | Shift-Command-Full Stop (.) |
Move the cycle range back by one cycle length | Shift-Command-Comma (,) |
Go to the beginning of selection | Function-Left Arrow (also Control-Home on keyboard with numeric keypad) |
Go to the end of the last region | Option-Return |
Go to beginning | Return |
Turn the cycle area on/off | C |
Turn solo on/off for all soloed tracks | Control-Option-Command-S |
Turn the metronome on/off | K |
Turn count-in on/off | Shift-K |
Open Preferences window | Command-Comma (,) |
Show/Hide the Musical Typing window | Command-K |
Show/Hide the Smart Controls window | B |
Show/Hide the Score Editor | N |
Show/Hide the Piano Roll Editor | P |
Show/Hide the Loop Browser | O |
Show/Hide the Library | Y |
Show/Hide Quick Help | Shift-Backslash (/) |
Show detailed Help (if available in Quick Help description) | Command-Backslash (/) |
Enter/Exit Full Screen mode | Control-Command-F |
Open Movie window | Option-Command-O |
Close the current window or project | Command-W |
Select the next higher track | Up Arrow |
Select the next lower track | Down Arrow |
Hide GarageBand | Command-H |
Hide other applications | Option-Command-H |
Quit GarageBand | Command-Q |
Create a new project | Command-N |
Open an existing project | Command-O |
Save the current project | Command-S |
Save the current project as… | Shift-Command-S |
Change focus to next area in GarageBand window | Tab |
Change focus to previous area in GarageBand window | Shift-Tab |
Minimise the GarageBand window | Command-M |
Minimise all other application windows | Option-Command-M |
Next Patch, Effect or Instrument setting | ] |
Previous Patch, Effect or Instrument setting | [ |
Mute/Unmute the selected track | M |
Solo/Unsolo the selected track | S |
Turn monitoring for the selected track on/off | Control-I |
Undo | Command-Z |
Redo | Shift-Command-Z |
Cut | Command-X |
Copy | Command-C |
Paste | Command-V |
Delete | Delete |
Select all | Command-A |
Horizontal zoom out | Command-Left Arrow |
Horizontal zoom in | Command-Right Arrow |
Page Up | Function-Up Arrow (also Page Up on keyboard with numeric keypad) |
Page Down | Function-Down Arrow (also Page Down on keyboard with numeric keypad) |
Page Left | Function-Left Arrow (also Home on keyboard with numeric keypad) |
Page Right | Function-Right Arrow (also End on keyboard with numeric keypad) |
Show/Hide Automation lanes | A |
Create a new track | Option-Command-N |
Create a new audio track | Option-Command-A |
Create a new software instrument track | Option-Command-S |
Create a new Drummer track | Option-Command-U |
Delete the selected track | Command-Delete |
Select the previous region on the selected track or event in the Editor | Left Arrow |
Select the next region on the selected track or event in the Editor | Right Arrow |
Loop the selected region continuously | L |
Quantise selected events | Q |
Undo Quantisation | Option-Command-Q |
Paste and replace the current selection | Shift-Command-V |
Join regions or notes | Command-J |
Split the selected region or event at the playhead position | Command-T |
Turn Snap to Grid on or off | Command-G |
Delete all automation on the selected track | Control-Shift-Command-Delete |
Turn Record Enable for the selected track on or off | Control-R |
Cut the selected Arrangement Marker into sections | Option-Command-Delete |
Rename the selected track | Shift-Return |
Add selected region to the Apple Loops Library | Control-Shift-O |
Rename the selected regions | Shift-N |
Configure the Track Header | Option-T |
Show/Hide the Editor pane | E |
Show/Hide the note pad | Option-Command-P |
Show/Hide the Browsers pane | F |
Show/Hide the master track | Shift-Command-M |
Show/Hide the alignment guides | Option-Command-G |