Configure app installation and removal in Apple Business Essentials
In Apple Business Essentials, after app licenses are assigned, you can configure apps from the App Store to be installed—either automatically, or manually by the user. You can also configure how those apps get removed after their licenses are unassigned.
Note: These options apply to organization-owned devices with user subscriptions only.
Here’s how the app installation and removal processes work.
Installing assigned apps
In Apple Business Essentials, app installation works the same on iPhone, iPad, and Mac, as follows:
If you configure automatic installation: The app is automatically installed. It shows itself as installed in the Business Essentials app.
If you configure manual installation: The app is made available for users to download in the Business Essentials app.
Removing assigned apps
Automatic removal of apps works the same on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. In all cases, the app is removed from the Home Screen and from the Business Essentials app.
Manual removal of apps varies by operating system and also by whether the app developer implements a receipt check, as follows:
On iPhone and iPad: If the app developer implements a receipt check, the app becomes disabled within 30 days and the user is notified. If the app is removed using a third-party MDM solution, the app remains on the device and is disabled after 30 days.
On Mac: If the app developer implements a receipt check, the app becomes disabled within 30 days and the user is notified. If there is no receipt check, the app remains on the device until the user removes it.
Configure app installation and removal
In Apple Business Essentials, sign in with a user that has privileges to buy content.
Select Apps
in the sidebar, select an app from the app list, then select Configuration.
Choose whether you want an app to install automatically when assigned to a user, or whether you want users to manually install the app from the Business Essentials app.
Important: When you install iPhone or iPad apps using the automatic option, users can’t remove them. So use this option when you want to ensure that apps stay installed on usersʼ devices.
If necessary, you can also choose whether you want an app to be automatically removed from the device when the app is unassigned from a user, or whether you want users to remove the app themselves.
If you select manual removal for an app that was set to automatically install, the app continues to install, even if it’s removed by the user, until the app is unassigned from that person.