Show emails from VIP senders in Mail on Mac
You can easily keep track of email messages from people important to you by making them VIPs. Any messages in the Inbox from a VIP (even sent as part of a conversation) are displayed in a VIP mailbox (a type of Smart Mailbox). You can have up to 100 VIPs.
Make someone a VIP
In the Mail app
on your Mac, select a message from someone you want to make a VIP.
Move the pointer next to their name in the message header, then click the star
that appears.
You can also click the arrow in a Smart Address, then choose Add to VIPs.
If a VIP has more than one email address in the Contacts app, messages from all of their addresses are included in the VIP’s mailbox.
Show a VIP’s emails
In the Mail app
on your Mac, click the arrow for the VIPs mailbox in the Mail sidebar or the Favorites bar.
Choose a VIP.
Only messages from the VIP are shown in the message list. If you don’t see expected messages, choose View > Sort By, then choose All Mailboxes (a checkmark shows it’s on).
When you’re done, click Inbox in the Mail sidebar or the Favorites bar to see other messages again.
You can also filter emails to show only emails from VIPs.
Remove someone’s VIP status
In the Mail app
on your Mac, select a message from the VIP.
Move the pointer next to their name in the message header, then click their star
The person’s VIP mailbox is removed from the Mail sidebar and the Favorites bar; their messages remain in the Inbox.
Your VIPs are available on your other Mac computers (with OS X 10.8 or later), iOS devices (with iOS 6 or later), and iPadOS devices where you’re signed in with the same Apple ID and Contacts is turned on in iCloud preferences or settings.