Change how graphs look in Grapher on Mac
Pan and zoom the graph
In the Grapher app
on your Mac, create or open a graph.
Do any of the following:
Pan: Click the Move button
, then drag the graph.
Zoom using the current center point: Click the Zoom In button
or the Zoom Out button
Zoom at a specific point: Click the Zoom button
above Action in the toolbar, then click the graph. Drag a rectangle to zoom at different magnifications horizontally and vertically.
View the origin: Click Center Origin.
Set the axes to the same magnification level: Click Equalize Axes.
Change the type of graph
In the Grapher app
on your Mac, create or open a graph.
Do any of the following:
Choose a different type of graph: Choose Format > Graph Template.
Switch views: Choose View > Switch to 2D View or View > Switch to 3D View.
Change a graph’s background
In the Grapher app
on your Mac, create or open a graph.
Choose Format > Layout.
Click Background.
Click the Coloring pop-up menu, choose a coloring style, then click the color or color well. Different settings appear, depending on the graph or coloring style:
Uniform: Click the color well to change the color.
Linear: Click the color well to change gradient colors, then select a Blending algorithm from the pop-up menu. Click Reverse if you want to swap the gradient colors. Enter an angle for the gradient in the Angle field.
Radial: Click the color well to change gradient colors, then select a Blending algorithm from the pop-up menu. Click Reverse if you want to swap the gradient colors. Click a point in the position box to set the gradient center point.
Gradient: Click the color well to change gradient colors. Enter an angle for the gradient in the Angle field.
Add a text caption to a 2D graph
In the Grapher app
on your Mac, create or open a graph.
Choose Object > Insert Text.
Enter your text, then move it to the desired location.
To change the formatting of text, select it, then choose Format > Font.
Insert shapes in a 2D graph
In the Grapher app
on your Mac, create or open a graph.
Choose Object > Insert Rectangle or Insert Oval.
Move and resize the shape as you want.
To change the shape’s appearance, select the shape, then click Inspector in the toolbar.
To add text to a rectangle or oval, double-click the object, then enter the text.
Insert arrows in a 2D graph
In the Grapher app
on your Mac, create or open a graph.
Choose Object > Insert Arrow.
Move and resize the arrow as you want.
To change the arrow’s appearance, select the arrow, then click Inspector in the toolbar.
To add text that appears below the arrow, double-click it, then enter the text.
Change axis, grid, and frame appearance
In the Grapher app
on your Mac, create or open a graph.
Choose Format > Axes & Grids (for 2D graphs) or Format > Axes & Frame (for 3D graphs).
Select the axes or frames you want to appear in your graph.
To change the axis range, tick marks, or positioning, select the axis, then click Edit at the bottom of the axes and frames list.
Some of the axes can’t be changed.
To change the appearance of an axis, select the axis in the graph, then click Inspector in the toolbar.
Change curve appearance
In the Grapher app
on your Mac, create or open a graph.
Do any of the following:
Select an equation, click Inspector in the toolbar, then change curve settings.
To make curves different colors, press and hold the Command or Option key while selecting multiple curves, then choose Format > Recolor Selected Curves.