Manually create a class in Apple School Manager
In Apple School Manager, a class is a group of individuals, composed mostly of student accounts. Each class is assigned at least one instructor (which is optional). Your mobile device management (MDM) solution makes these classes available for use in the Classroom app. Manually created classes are named using a combination of the following: class name, course name, and course number. Only classes created manually can be edited or deleted.
Note: Some features require Shared iPad.
Apple School Manager and Classroom
If instructors are using iPadOS 14.5 or macOS 11.3, or later, they can connect to classes in nearby, remote, and hybrid configurations in Classroom using their Managed Apple Account from Apple School Manager and then invite other instructors and students to the class. No mobile device management (MDM) solution is required, although integrating with one can change how the student devices function in the classes. These classes are also not compatible with the education configuration profile from your MDM solution that creates MDM-synced classes.
Note: Instructors can also create nearby classes using iOS 14 and macOS 11.
Using classes synced with Apple School Manager allows the following features:
Instructors can create classes in the latest versions of Classroom or Schoolwork 2.0 if they have the appropriate privileges in Apple School Manager.
Classes appear automatically and can be used on the same device, regardless of how they were created.
Classes sync to all devices with a Managed Apple Account.
To see the full list of requirements for classes synced with Apple School Manager, see Classroom requirements for classes synced with Apple School Manager in the Apple Deployment Guide for Education.
Manually create a class
In Apple School Manager
, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator, Site Manager, People Manager, or Instructor.
Select Classes in the sidebar.
, then provide the following information:
Nickname (optional): This is a name set by the instructor in Schoolwork. It will be displayed in Schoolwork, and with a supporting MDM server, in Classroom and on Shared iPad.
Course name (optional): Courses can be created only by integrating with a student Information System (SIS) or imported using SFTP.
Class ID (optional): The number used to uniquely identify this class in your SIS or other database. Use the same Class ID to refer to this class in the rosters.csv file.
Class number (optional): A class number that identifies this class in your organization. Unlike Class ID, Class Number isn’t used to refer to this class in the rosters.csv file.
Location: The Apple School Manager location for this class.
Instructor (optional): Users with the role of Instructor can be added to this class.
Students (optional): Users with the role of Student can be added to this class.
Select Save.
Add students to a manually created class
In Apple School Manager
, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator, Site Manager, People Manager, or Instructor.
Select Classes in the sidebar, then select or search for a class in the search field. See How to search.
Select one or more classes, select
, then select Add in the Students section.
Search for the student or students you want to add, then select Add.
When you’re done adding students, select Done, then select Save.
Change the location of a manually created class
In Apple School Manager
, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator, Site Manager, People Manager, or Instructor.
Select Classes in the sidebar, then select or search for a class in the search field. See How to search.
, change the location of the class, select Done, then select Save.
Delete a manually created class
If a class is used in Schoolwork, progress data is deleted and associated Handouts are saved for all instructors with access to the class. Student and Instructor accounts will remain in Apple School Manager.
In Apple School Manager
, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator, Site Manager, People Manager, or Instructor.
Select Classes in the sidebar, then select or search for a class in the search field. See How to search.
Select Delete Class, review the information in the dialog, then select Delete.