Use the Remote Desktop AppleScript dictionary
You can view Remote Desktop’s AppleScript dictionary in Script Editor.
Each scriptable app contains an AppleScript dictionary—the list of objects and messages that an app can understand. For example, in the Remote Desktop dictionary there’s an object named “computer list” that has this entry:
computer list n [inh. item] : A list which holds computers.
contains computers; contained by application.
id (Unicode text, r/o) : The unique identifier (UUID) of the computer list.
name (Unicode text) : The name of the computer list.
A “computer list” is an object that contains other objects (“computers” in this case) and has properties like its “id” and its “name.” When queried, this object can return the values for the properties (in Unicode text as indicated), but you can’t change “id” from within the script (it’s labeled r/o for read-only). This object can be acted upon by the “verbs,” or messages, in a script.
The dictionary also contains “verbs,” or messages. These verbs are commands that act on the objects in the dictionary. For example, in the Remote Desktop dictionary there’s a verb named “add,” that has this entry:
add v : Add a computer to a task.
add computer : The computer.
to computer list : The computer list (or task) to add the computer to.
This entry tells you what the verb can act on and how. This entry says that Remote Desktop can add a specified computer to a computer list. The objects “computer” and “computer list” are being acted upon by “add.”
Open AppleScript Editor
Choose File > Open Dictionary, then choose Remote Desktop.