Change VoiceOver Web settings (Navigation tab) in VoiceOver Utility on Mac
Use the Navigation pane of the Web category in VoiceOver Utility to set options related to navigating and browsing webpages.
To open VoiceOver Utility, press Command-F5 to turn VoiceOver on, then press VO-Fn-F8.
Note: VO represents the VoiceOver modifier that you press with additional keys to enter VoiceOver commands. By default, you can press Control and Option together or just press Caps Lock.
Option | Description |
Navigate webpages by | Select a method for navigating webpages:
See Use VoiceOver to navigate webpages by DOM or group mode. |
When navigating web tables | Select a method for navigating webpages:
Navigate Images | Choose how you want VoiceOver to navigate images: Never, With Descriptions, or Always. By default, VoiceOver navigates only to images that contain a description, called alt text. This option is useful because many websites use images for links. |
Enable Live Regions | Have VoiceOver speak all live regions it encounters on webpages. If you prefer to hear only specific live regions, deselect the checkbox, then use the VoiceOver rotor to find and enable specific live regions on a webpage. |
Always allow keyboard commands to navigate websites | Use keyboard commands to navigate text, even on websites that use the commands for other purposes. When this option is selected, websites that use keyboard commands may not function as expected. For example, if a website uses an arrow key to jump to another item, the arrow key won’t perform that action; the arrow key can only be used to navigate text. |
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