Monitor app installation status and track licenses in Apple Business Essentials
You can check the installation status of an app and track licenses to make sure all users have the apps they need. If you don’t have enough licenses for an app, you can buy more and assign them to those who need them.
Important: If you assign apps to users who have the role of Administrator or Content Manager in Apple Business Essentials, their license assignments may not complete if those users haven’t accepted the Terms and Conditions for Apps and Books. To accept the terms, they must navigate to Apps, select the Store item, then select View Store.
About installation status states
You can view all of the devices that have installed—or are in the middle of installing—the app. A device can be in one of the following states:
Install Pending: The app is in the process of downloading or installing on the device
Installed: The app has successfully installed on the device
Install Failed: The most recent attempt to install the app has failed
Apps can fail to install on devices for a variety of reasons including network issues, devices being offline, or user intervention. When an app fails to install on a device, it will continue to attempt installation periodically.
Update Pending: The app is in the process of downloading or installing an update for the app
Install Rejected by User: A user has rejected a prompt to install
Update Rejected by User: A user has rejected a prompt to update
Management Rejected by User: A user has rejected the management of an already installed app
Note: The apps listed on any individual user or device page reflect the apps that are assigned to that user or device through Collections. They don’t reflect which are successfully installed. To check apps for installation status, check the Install Status tab.
Check installation status
In Apple Business Essentials, sign in with a user that has privileges to buy content.
Select Apps
in the sidebar, select an app, then select Install Status.
How assigned apps are updated
Apps assigned to users are automatically updated through the App Store, just like apps downloaded from the App Store. For updates to occur automatically, App Updates must be turned on in Automatic Downloads, located in Settings > App Store. Also, the App Store doesn’t have to be available on the device for the app to update.
For apps assigned directly to devices, Apple Business Essentials automatically detects and applies updates.
Track app licenses
When an app is added to a Collection, a single license is assigned to each user that belongs to that Collection, and each device. It’s important to know how many licenses you have for a specific app, and, if necessary, how many additional licenses you may need. For each app in your apps list, you can see exactly how many apps were assigned through Collections, how many licenses are available for the app, and how many additional licenses are needed to fulfill all the assignments.
In Apple Business Essentials, sign in with a user that has privileges to buy content.
Select Apps
in the sidebar, select an app, then select Licenses.
Besides viewing the number of assignments made for the app and seeing Collections they are assigned from, you can also see a list of specific users and devices that were not successfully licensed due to a lack of sufficient licenses. After additional licenses are acquired from the App Store, they automatically get applied to the users and devices listed.
Note: The apps listed on any individual user or device page reflect the apps that are assigned to that user or device through Collections. They don’t reflect which are successfully licensed. To check apps for licensing issues, check the Licenses tab for an app.