Add apps to a device in Apple Configurator
You can add apps on devices and Blueprints. If you add them on a Blueprint, when that Blueprint is applied, the apps are added.
Add apps purchased from Apple School Manager, Apple Business Manager, or Apple Business Essentials
Before you use Apple Configurator to sign in to your Apple School Manager, Apple Business Manager, or Apple Business Essentials account, you must have purchased paid or free apps in Apple School Manager, Apple Business Manager, or Apple Business Essentials. You can sign in with your Managed Apple ID, but you won’t be able to purchase apps from the App Store.
In Apple School Manager, this can be an account with the role of Instructor or Manager with privileges to buy apps and books, Content Manager, Site Manager, or Administrator. In Apple Business Manager and Apple Business Essentials, this can be an account with the role of Content Manager or Administrator.
Note: You must accept the terms and conditions in Apple School Manager, Apple Business Manager, or Apple Business Essentials regarding purchasing apps and books before you can add them using Apple Configurator.
In Apple Configurator
, choose Account > Sign In, and sign in with your Apple School Manager, Apple Business Manager, or Apple Business Essentials Managed Apple ID that has privileges to buy apps and books.
Enter your six-digit verification code.
If you have approval to purchase content in Apple School Manager, Apple Business Manager, or Apple Business Essentials, after a short delay you’ll see a list of locations available for you.
Choose a location, then click Select.
Select one or more devices or Blueprints.
Do one of the following:
Click the Add button
in the toolbar, select Apps, then select the apps in the window.
Choose Actions > Add > Apps.
Control-click the selected devices or Blueprints, then select Add > Apps.
The number next each app indicates the number of licenses the app has available for assignment.
Click Add Apps, and the apps are immediately added to the devices or stored as an action in the Blueprints.
Add apps using your personal Apple ID
In Apple Configurator
, choose Account > Sign In, then sign in to the App Store with your personal Apple ID.
The same Apple ID used to purchase the apps must be used on the device.
Enter your six-digit verification code.
After you’ve signed in, select one or more devices or Blueprints.
Do one of the following:
Click the Add button
in the toolbar, select Apps, then select the apps in the window.
Choose Actions > Add > Apps.
Control-click the selected devices or Blueprints, then select Add > Apps.
The number beneath each app indicates the number of licenses the app has available for assignment.
Click Add Apps, and the apps are immediately added to the device or stored as an action in the Blueprint.
Add proprietary in-house apps
In Apple Configurator
, select one or more devices or Blueprints, then drag and drop an app on them or do one of the following:
Click the Add button
in the toolbar, then select Apps.
Choose Actions > Add > Apps.
Control-click the selected devices or Blueprints, then select Add > Apps.
Click “Choose from my Mac.”
Navigate to the folder containing your apps, search for files ending in .ipa, then select the ones you want to add.
Click Add Apps, and the apps are immediately added to the devices or stored as an action in the Blueprint.