Import and export keychain items using Keychain Access on Mac
You can export some keychain items (for example, certificates and keys) from one computer and then import them into Keychain Access on another.
Note: You can’t export passwords from Keychain Access. See the Passwords User Guide.
Import keychain items
Go to the Keychain Access app
on your Mac.
To open Keychain Access, search for it in Spotlight, then press Return.
Choose File > Import Items.
Navigate to the keychain items file you want to import and select it.
In the Destination Keychain pop-up menu, choose the keychain you want to import to, then click Open.
Export keychain items
Go to the Keychain Access app
on your Mac.
To open Keychain Access, search for it in Spotlight, then press Return.
Select the items you want to export in the Keychain Access window.
Choose File > Export Items.
If the Export Items menu is dimmed, at least one of the selected items can’t be exported.
Select a location to save your keychain items, click the File Format pop-up menu, then choose a file type.
Click Save.
Enter a password.
The password is required to access the exported keychain items when you import them on another computer. Some exported items, such as public keys, don’t require a password.
To securely share passwords from your Mac, see Share passwords or passkeys with people you trust, Share passwords and passkeys securely with AirDrop, and Find and share your Wi-Fi password.