Grant access to users from another server in macOS Server
If your server connects to your organization’s network account server, you can allow existing user accounts access to your server.
Network accounts remain in your organization’s network account server, and they can be granted access to all services on your server.
You can also grant groups on a network account server access to services on your server, which grants all members of the group access.
If your server isn’t connected to a network account server, connect it to one.
For information, see Connect to a directory server in macOS Server. If your organization doesn’t have a network account server (other than your server), you can’t you can create user accounts.
In the sidebar of the Server app
, select Users.
Choose the network account server that hosts the user account you want to import from the pop-up menu.
Users of the selected network account server appear in the list.
Type part or all of the user’s name in the search field; when you see the name, select it.
You can also use the Show only allowed users to filter the list of users you have already allowed access to your server.
Control-click the user, then choose Edit Access to Services.
To apply access to several users, hold down the Command key while selecting users, Control-click a selected user, then choose Edit Access to Services.
In the dialog that appears, select the checkboxes for services you want the user to access, then click OK.
In the Users pane, user accounts have a label below the user name that shows where the user is actually hosted—either locally or from a network account server.