Sobia “helping” Brian Engh draw Ornatops.

I’ve written here before about Donald Glut’s The New Dinosaur Dictionary and the looooong shadow it cast over my adolescence. That book introduced me to a lot of artists I’d never heard of. The Dinosaur Renaissance was named two months before I was born, so I grew up with a mix of old school paleoart from the 1960s and before, and newer restorations by the likes of Bob Bakker, Greg Paul, William Stout, and — fatefully — Mark Hallett. Among the older artists that I first encountered in The New Dinosaur Dictionary was Neave Parker. Parker was active in the middle of the 20th century, painting dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals for the British Natural History Museum, the Illustrated London News, and books by Edwin Colbert and W.E. Swinton (see this page at the old Love in the Time of Chasmosaurs, and this almost comically ungenerous piece at the NHMUK).

Parker’s work was oddly evocative for me. It’s true that little of it holds up today in terms of anatomical accuracy, but the execution really worked for me — especially at the small scale and relatively low resolution (by modern standards) of the reproductions in The New Dinosaur Dictionary, which compressed the brush strokes into invisibility, lending the work a near-photographic crispness. Combined with Parker’s penchant for bright light and stark shadows, the work had a documentary-like air of reality, like I could step into the scenes and squint up at the sun.

I realize this is a highly personal take, and you may feel completely differently about Parker’s work. I’m not describing my objective assessment of his work in 2024, but its subjective effect on me in the early 1980s. I imprinted on Parker’s vision of the past, as I did on the work of William Stout and Mark Hallett and the rest. Specifically, I internalized from Parker’s work that when I stepped out of the time machine, the Mesozoic would be sun-drenched, and there would be palm trees.

This is Brian Engh’s painting of the hadrosaur Ornatops (McDonald et al. 2021) on display at the Western Science Center in Hemet, California. It’s phenomenal, but like almost all pieces by my favorite artists, I prefer the original pencil sketch, for reasons I explained back when. Here’s my print of it, awaiting a frame:

This resonates for me on so many levels. The sun, the shadows, the (paleobotanically correct) palm trees, the sense that I could step through and run my hands over the animal’s skin and feel each bump and wrinkle. The sheer technical virtuosity on display. Perhaps most of all, the way that it collapses all the time between 1984 and 2024, letting me play chrononaut both in the Cretaceous and in my own life, a gangly kid in my dad’s recliner, The New Dinosaur Dictionary open in my lap, plummeting down the rabbit hole. And that is why this goofy horse-faced no-vertebral-pneumaticity-havin’ hadrosaur is, in fact, my favorite piece of paleoart ever.

Do you encounter flat surfaces in your daily life? Do the right thing.

Brian Engh recently launched his new website for Living Relic Productions, and there’s a store where you can buy his art. Both Ornatops pieces are there, the color painting because it was one of the first things he put up as a test article, and the pencil sketch because I requested it and he accommodated me (thanks, fam!). He also has some sweet stickers, so you can class up the joint with sauropods. Go have fun!




Bony spinal cord supports (arrows) in caudal vertebrae of several specimens of Camarasaurus. (a) Right lateral view of neural canal with broken vertebral arch, clearly exposing a bony spinal cord support (MWC 5496). (b) Anterolateral oblique view of the neural canal of the third caudal vertebra (SUSA 515) with a broken vertebral arch displaying a bony spinal cord support. (c) Right lateral view into the neural canal of the fifth caudal vertebra of SUSA 515, also with a broken arch allowing clear visualization of a bony spinal cord support. (d) Posterior view showing bony spinal cord supports in profile (CM 584). All scale bars = 5 cm. Atterholt et al. (2024: fig. 5).

New paper out, er, yesterday:

Atterholt, J., Wedel, M.J., Tykoski, R., Fiorillo, A.R., Holwerda, F., Nalley, T.K., Lepore, T., and Yasmer, J. 2024. Neural canal ridges: a novel osteological correlate of postcranial neuroanatomy in dinosaurs. The Anatomical Record, 1-20.

This one started a bit over 10 years ago, on April 9, 2014. That morning I was at the off-site storage facility of the Perot Museum in Dallas, looking at juvenile Alamosaurus material from Big Bend National Park. I found this cute little unfused caudal neural arch, BIBE 45885:

Pro tip: before you go on to the next page or the next specimen, photograph the specimen with your notes and sketch. Trust me on this.

As you can see from my notes, I clocked the little ridges on the inside of the neural canal, but I didn’t know what to make of them. (BTW I’ve used this little feller in a bunch of talks and in my MTE paper last summer with Jessie — see Wedel & Atterholt 2023 and this post.)

That afternoon I was at SMU’s Shuler Museum of Paleontology looking at the holotype of Astrophocaudia, SMU 61732, which was then a new genus, having only been named the year before by Mike D’Emic (2013). And what should I see in this nice caudal:

Now I am not always the fastest on the uptake, but if you smack me in the face twice I start paying attention. Surely it was not a coincidence that the caudal vertebrae of these two not-super-closely-related sauropods had little ridges inside their neural canals. The problem was, I had no idea what they were. For a brief period I got excited by the possibility that they might be some epiphenomenon of big spinal veins, like those of crocs, or big paramedullary diverticula, like those of birds, but they didn’t look quite right for either of those applications (more on this in a future post, maybe, and in the discussion section of the new paper, definitely). I was just flat stumped.

Fast forward to the summer of 2018, by which time I was working with Jessie Atterholt on paramedullary diverticula — laying the groundwork for what would become Atterholt & Wedel (2022) — and generally getting interested in all things neural canal related, including the weird expanded neural canals in the Snowmass Haplocanthosaurus (see Wedel et al. 2021). I wrote to David and Marvalee Wake at Berkeley, both of whom had served on my dissertation committee, and who between them knew more about vertebrate morphology than anyone else I knew, to ask of they’d ever seen similar expansions of the neural canal. To my delight, David wrote right back, “This is a mystery to me. In salamanders there are little strut-like processes from the inside of the neural canal extending inward to support the cord. These are at least partly bony.” That didn’t help with Haplocanthosaurus — at that time still the newer mystery — but it did seem to solve my then 4-year-old quest to figure out what was going on in the Alamosaurus and Astrophocaudia caudals.

We’ll come back to sauropods, I promise. But first we gotta talk about meninges for a bit.

What’s the mater?

One of the bedrock bits of the chordate body plan is a connective tissue notochord running down the body axis, with a big nerve cord sitting on top and a big artery hanging just below. In vertebrates the notochord is mostly replaced by the vertebral column, and we refer to the big nerve cord as the spinal cord and to the big artery as the aorta. The vertebral column doesn’t just give the body stiffness and flexibility and something to hang muscles on, it also has a dorsal bony loop to protect the spinal cord, which we call the neural arch, and in the tail a ventral bony loop to protect the aorta, which we call the hemal arch (the V-shaped hemal arch bones are more commonly referred to as ‘chevrons’). The spinal cord runs through the neural arches of successive vertebrae, which collectively form a protective tube: the neural canal.

(NB: in human anatomy we tend to call the hole for the spinal cord in any one vertebra the ‘vertebral foramen’, and the canal formed by the stacked vertebral foramina the ‘spinal canal’, but in comparative anatomy we tend to use ‘neural canal’ for both the neural arch passage in a single vertebra and the tube formed by all the neural arches.)

The meninges and associated tissues in a mammal.

The spinal cord isn’t just flopping around in the neural canal willy-nilly. Like the brain, the spinal cord is jacketed in a series of protective membranes collectively called the meninges (singular: meninx). Mammals and most (all?) other tetrapods have three meninges:

  • outermost is the dura mater, or “tough mother” (same root as ‘durable’)
  • just inside the dura is the continuous layer of the arachnoid mater, or “spider(web) mother”
  • below the continuous layer of the arachnoid is the subarachnoid space, where cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulates; this space is crossed by numerous strands of arachnoid that reach down to the pia, and which look like spiderwebs in dissection, hence the name ‘arachnoid’ (thin blue radiating lines in the diagram above)
  • innermost, sitting intimately on top of the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots, is the pia mater, or “tender mother”

In mammals the space between the dura mater and the bony walls of the neural arch is filled with epidural fat. This isn’t unhealthy fat, this is fat used as packing peanuts — the lightest, cheapest thing the body can build.

(We’re a fat-0bsessed culture so it may sound weird to hear fat described as ‘light’ and ‘cheap’, but in fact it is. The metabolic demand of keeping fat cells alive is negligible,* and every other tissue or fluid is heavier and more expensive to maintain. The yellow marrow in the shafts of your long bones is made of fat, and your body will not use that fat for energy even if you are starving to death, because it would just have to be replaced with something heavier and more costly.

*Negligible, but not zero, and the work required to push blood through the extra miles of arteries that serve the fat deposits in obese people can put a lot of extra strain on the heart.)

The human spinal cord in dorsal view, with the denticulate ligaments indicated by asterisks. From Ceylan et al. (2012).

Last but not least there are denticulate ligaments, little sideways extensions of the pia mater that anchor the spinal cord to the inside of the dura mater. I drew them in pink in the diagram, but in dissection they are shiny white or silver; ‘denticulate’ means ‘little tooth’.

Some of these terms have entered the popular lexicon from medicine, particularly ‘meningitis’ and ‘epidural’. Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges around the brain and spinal cord, which is exactly as horrible and life-threatening as it sounds. An epidural injection is used to deposit anesthetic medication into the epidural fat, where it can soak down through the meninges and bathe the dorsal root ganglia and the dorsal half of the spinal cord, where the sensory neurons (including those that relay pain) are located. In a lumbar puncture, a needle is driven through the dura and the continuous layer of the arachnoid into the subarachnoid space, usually to draw CSF for diagnostic purposes.

The meninges and associated tissues in a non-mammal. NB: this is generalized and simplified, and many structures that may also occupy the neural canal, like spinal veins and paramedullary diverticula, are not shown.

Here’s an important fact I didn’t know in 2014, having been educated most deeply on humans: many non-mammals don’t have epidural fat. Instead, the dura mater can be in contact with or even fused with the periosteum lining the inside of the neural arch, and the denticulate ligaments don’t just go to the dura, they go through it, to contact bone. And any time there’s connective tissue anchoring to bone, there’s a possibility that it will leave an attachment scar.

How do we know this? Salamanders, baby! Bony spinal cord supports were first identified in the northern two-lined salamander, Eurycea bislineata, by Wake and Lawson (1973) — Wake here meaning David Wake, who 41 years later would give me the clue I needed to interpret what I was seeing in sauropod caudal vertebrae. The trail went cold for a while after the 70s, but Skutschas (2009) and Skutschas & Baleeva (2012) found bony spinal supports — a.k.a. neural canal ridges (NCRs) — in a host of salamanders and fish.

The Floodgates Open

When you’re used to sauropods, even “giant” salamanders are pretty dinky. Unedited photo of a vertebra of the Chinese giant salamander, Andrias davidianus, LACM 162475. See the cropped version in Figure 1c of our new paper.

Standing on shoulders of Wake & Lawson and Skutschas & Baleeva, Jessie and I started finding neural canal ridges in all kinds of critters. We visited the herpetology collections at the LACM to verify that we could find them in salamanders, and documented them for the first time in the giant salamanders Andrias japonicus and Andrias davidianus. Skutschas & Baleeva (2012: fig. 5) had figured NCRs in a salmon (Salmo); on a visit to the OMNH I found them in a tuna (Thunnus). Jessie and I visited Dinosaur Journey in Fruita, Colorado, and found examples in Camarasaurus, Diplodocus, and more Apatosaurus vertebrae than you can shake a stick at (as always, many thanks to the MWC Director of Paleontology Julia McHugh for being an awesome host!).

Then other people started finding them. Jessie gave a talk on NCRs at SVPCA in 2019, the lovely meeting on the Isle of Wight, and Femke Holwerda said she’d seen them in a cetiosaur. At the same meeting Mick Green showed us rebbachisaruid material he’d collected from the Isle of Wight, and we found them in a rebbachisaur caudal. Jessie and I went to look for NCRs in the Raymond Alf Museum right here in Claremont, California, and Tara Lepore, who was helping us that day, found them in a hadrosaur caudal.

We even started finding them in previously published papers. Here’s a caudal vertebra of a juvenile Rapetosaurus from Curry-Rogers (2009: fig. 27):

This was a watershed moment — it meant that we could potentially expand our search for NCRs using the published literature. Later Jessie visited the Field Museum and was able to confirm the presence of NCRs in all the real (not cast or reconstructed) vertebrae of the mounted Rapetosaurus.

It gets better! Back in 2009 some goober named Wedel had been an author on the paper describing Brontomerus, and whadda we have here in Figure 6 of that paper?

Brontomerus caudal vertebra OMNH 61248. Taylor et al. (2011: fig. 6).

Truly, we notice what we are primed to notice, and sometimes not a heck of a lot more. In my defense, since getting my antennae out for NCRs I have had my hopes raised and then dashed many times by slightly offset cracks that just happen to run through the midpoint of the neural arch (it makes sense, the bone is thinnest there and most likely to crack), which is presumably what I inferred back when. For a better look at the NCRs in Brontomerus, see Figure 6 in the new paper.

Averianov & Lopatin (2020: fig. 8)

In 2020, Alexander Averianov and Alexey Lopatin described neural canal ridges in the holotype of the Mongolian sauropod Abdarainurus, and they identified them as bony spinal cord supports of the kind described by Skutschas & Baleeva (2012) — correctly, in our view. They’d been unaware of our work, which is not surprising since we’d only presented it in 2019 at SVPCA, and we’d been unaware of theirs. I was, in truth, a little chagrined to have dawdled long enough to be beaten into print (he writes, four and half years later!), but I sent Alexander a congratulatory note and he sent a very gracious response. Anyway, Jessie and I were happy to have more examples, and happy that Averianov & Lopatin’s interpretation of the NCRs agreed with ours.

Ugh — Allosaurus MWC 5492 on the left, hadrosaur RAM 23434 on the right. What a dark day for SV-POW! Scale bars are not sauropod sized so who cares. Atterholt et al. (2024: fig. 8).

And yes, Colin Boisvert, your groady perverted waaaay-too-abundant Allosaurus gets a look in. I hope you’re happy. Traitor.

What now? A short NYABPQ

(Not Yet Asked But Plausible Questions)

How do we know these things in sauropods and other dinos are ossified spinal cord supports and not some other wacky thing? I’d like to write a whole post on this, but in the meantime check out section 4.1 “Alternative hypotheses” on pages 14-16 of the new paper.

But what does it all mean? Section 4.2, “Functional implications”, has some half-baked ideas, but in truth we don’t know yet! We’re hoping someone else will figure that out.

What’s your favorite table in any paper ever? What an oddly specific and specifically flattering question, fictional interlocutor! The answer is Table 3 on page 17 of the new paper, in which we categorize the zoo of neural canal weirdness that we knew of when the paper went to press.

Wait — “that we knew of when the paper went to press”? What the heck does that obvious hedge mean? It means this rabbit hole goes all the way down, and we haven’t yet hit terminal velocity.

You’re kind of a weird dork, huh? Accurate!

I found NCRs in some critter in which they haven’t been documented yet — what should I do? Publish — publish! Jessie and I just spent six years getting this damned thing done and out, and we still have a shedload of weird neural canal stuff we haven’t even touched yet. We are the opposite of territorial, we’d strongly prefer for everyone and their dog to come play in our sandbox (not really ours but you know what I mean) and find lots of cool things and publish a million awesome papers and make neural canals the next hot thing. See Section 4.3, “Directions for future work”.

Stegosaurus NHMUK PV R36730 caudal 34. Right now this one Stego and the hadrosaur pictured above are it for NCRs in Ornithischia — but probably not for long. Maidment et al. (2015: fig. 49).

I haven’t found NCRs but I’d like to — what should I do? Go look in a bunch of neural canals. Seriously. That’s the gig. You might find some in the literature, but I wouldn’t count on a lot. You know who figures dinosaur caudals (1) in AP view (2) with the neural canals fully prepped (3) at sufficient detail to spot NCRs? Very few folks. At a reviewer’s request I spent some time plowing through a bunch of dino literature, and out of all the papers I checked, Susie Maidment’s stegosaur was the only new hit (Maidment et al. 2015, and kudos to Susie for the comprehensive illustrations). But someone who had access to a collection to ‘crawl’, logging all the NCRs, could do bang-up business. I know because that’s what Jessie and I did at Dinosaur Journey in 2018 and 2022, which is why there are so many MWC specimens in the new paper. Outside of Sauropoda we’ve found NCRs in Allosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Stegosaurus, and an indeterminate hadrosaur, and I don’t need to tell you that that is hardly a comprehensive survey of Dinosauria. We didn’t do more because we’re mortal and we wanted to get our sauropod paper out before it metastasized further, not because we were done, or even started, really. So if you want to discover new anatomy in dinosaurs, here’s a path with a very high likelihood of success.

What are you going to do next? The Greater Atterholt-Wedel Neural Canal Exploration Project (GAWNCEP) is still rolling, mostly under Jessie’s direction at the moment. As promised above, more weirdness is coming, watch this space. And when I’m not GAWNCEPtualizing, I, ahem, owe some folks some work on some projects. Just a few!

Special Thanks

Because you’re not supposed to thank your own coauthors in the acknowledgements: many thanks to Ron Tykoski and Tony Fiorillo for never giving up during the entire decade that it took to get from our first coauthored conference presentation to our first coauthored paper. Thanks to Femke and Tara for finding more NCRs and joining us on the paper, to John Yasmer for CT wizardry, and to Thierra Nalley for 3D recon wizardry and for being our resident non-sauropod vertebra expert. Y’all are great folks and it’s a pleasure to share the byline with you.

Dingler (1965: fig. 12) showing the elaborate ladder-like denticulate ligament system that suspends the spinal cord inside the synsacrum of a goose. Caption and labels translated by London Wedel.

At a crucial point in this project I needed a translation of Dingler (1965), which is was only available in German. I hired my son, London Wedel, then a high school senior taking German 4, to translate it. That translation will go up on the Polyglot Paleontologist at some point, but in the meantime you can get it here (Dingler 1965 bird spinal cord paper (translation)) and at the hyperlink in the references below. London just started classes at European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), pursuing his long-held dream of attending university in Germany, and I couldn’t be prouder.

David Wake was the lecturer for the evolution course in my first semester at Berkeley. I invited him to serve on my qualifying exam committee because I knew he would terrify me into working my butt off — not, I must clarify, because he was a terrifying person, but because the depth and breadth of his erudition intimidated the crap out of me. I invited him to serve on my dissertation committee for the same reason. He always pushed me to think more broadly — in time, space, development, function, phylogeny, and evolution. Those seeds didn’t all germinate right away, but I can see that a lot of my intellectual range now is a result of his example and his prodding back then. I never had the opportunity to collaborate with David directly, but I get immense satisfaction from the fact that this entire project was born out of a suggestion of his. My coauthors Jessie Atterholt and Tara Lepore are also proud Berkeley grads, and we’re all happy to dedicate the new paper to the memory of David Wake.




Most dinosaurs are elegant animals. Tyrannosaurs are elegant biting machines. Chasmosaurs are elegent. Brachiosaurs are hella elegant. Even ankylosaurs have their own robust elegance.

And then there’s Camptosaurus.

Why do you have to be so lumpen? What’s your head doing down there? What the heck are your ilia doing up there? What are they even supposed to be, TV aerials?

Just look how impressed Matt is by this hunk of No Thanks:

Maybe Camptosaurus looks better from above?

Nope. Look how short its stupid neck is.


And if anything, the life reconstruction on the signage is even worse:

Just no, Camptosaurus. Just no.



BYU 14063, a left cervical rib of the turiasaur Moabosaurus in medial view.

A few sauropods have bifurcated cervical ribs. The most dramatic example that I know of is the turiasaur Moabosaurus (Britt et al. 2017). Mike and I got to see that material on the Sauropocalypse back in 2016, which is how we got the photo above. Royo-Torres et al. (2006) had previously described and figured bifurcated cervical ribs in Turiasaurus, but they seem to be absent in Mierasaurus (Royo-Torres et al. 2017), which is the sister taxon to Moabosaurus.

Cervical ribs of Dicraeosaurus from Janensch (1929). Note the dorsally-projecting bump on the shaft of the rib at the top.

Tschopp et al. (2015: character 217, p. 99–100, fig. 49) recognized a “posteriorly projecting spur on dorsolateral edge of [the] posterior shaft” of the cervical rib in Dicraeosaurus and some apatosaurines. That’s not a complete bifurcation, but it’s not a million miles out — at least, it’s implying that a second muscle was pulling on the cervical rib from a different direction as the first.

Sereno et al. (1999) reported that cervical ribs 3-6 of Jobaria have an “accessory anterior process”. This might mean that some of the anterior processes of the cervical ribs are bifurcated in Jobaria, but the character state is not illustrated and we have not been able to observe the relevant fossils firsthand.

Cervical ribs of Zhuchengceratops from Xu et al. (2010: fig. 7). Fifth cervical rib in lateral (I) and medial (J) views; sixth cervical rib in medial (K) and lateral (L) views.

Xu et al. (2010) described bifurcated cervical ribs in the leptoceratopsid ceratopsian Zhuchengceratops, including in their diagnosis “middle cervical ribs bifurcated due to presence of prominent accessory dorsal process (condition poorly known in other ceratopsians)”. The cervical ribs of Zhuchengceratops show a whole morphological spectrum, from an accessory dorsal process present as a tiny bump, as in Dicraeosaurus, all the way to full bifurcation. Xu et al. (2010) implied that this feature is also present in other ceratopsians including Triceratops.

So…who else? Any non-avian theropods? Weird Triassic hellasaurs? Attention-seeking salamanders? Cervical-rib-obsessed minds want to know.


  • Britt, Brooks B., Rodney D. Scheetz, Michael F. Whiting and D. Ray Wilhite. 2017. Moabosaurus utahensis, n. gen., n. sp., a new sauropod from the Early Cretaceous (Aptian) of North America. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan 32(11):189–243.
  • Janensch, Werner. 1929. Die Wirbelsäule der Gattung Dicraeosaurus. Palaeontographica, Supplement 7, 2:39–133 and plates I–VII.
  • Royo-Torres, Rafael, Alberto Cobos and Luis Alcalá. 2006. A giant European dinosaur and a new sauropod clade. Science 314:1925–1927.
  • Royo-Torres, Rafael, Paul Upchurch, James I. Kirkland, Donald D. DeBlieux, John R. Foster, Alberto Cobos and Luis Alcalá. 2017. Descendants of the Jurassic turiasaurs from Iberia found refuge in the Early Cretaceous of western USA. Scientific Reports 7:14311. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14677-2
  • Sereno, Paul C., Allison L. Beck, Didier. B. Dutheil, Hans C. E. Larsson, Gabrielle. H. Lyon, Bourahima Moussa, Rudyard W. Sadleir, Christian A. Sidor, David J. Varricchio, Gregory P. Wilson and Jeffrey A. Wilson. 1999. Cretaceous sauropods from the Sahara and the uneven rate of skeletal evolution among dinosaurs. Science 282:1342–1347.
  • Xu X, Wang K, Zhao X, Sullivan C, Chen S. 2010. A new leptoceratopsid (Ornithischia: Ceratopsia) from the Upper Cretaceous of Shandong, China and its implications for neoceratopsian evolution. PLoS ONE 5(11): e13835.



While I was thinking about Diplodocus atlas ribs, I was reminded of the ribs on the atlas of a diplodocine skull-and-three-cervicals exhibit that Matt and I saw at MOAL(*) back in the heady days of the Sauropocalypse.

And that reminded me that I have other pairs of photos from the MOAL visit, which I took with the intention of making anaglyphs. like the one I did of the diplodocine. So here is an anaglyph of a small bipedal ornithischian whose exact identity I evidently didn’t bother to write down:

Does anyone know what this is? Maybe Dryosaurus or something along those lines?


(*) When Matt and I visited this museum, it was known as the North American Museum of Ancient Life, or NAMAL for short. Since then, it’s dropped the “North American” and promoted the “of”, and it’s now the Museum Of Ancient Life, or MOAL for short. But we’re sticking with the existing category (see link below) for continuity with other things we’ve posted from there.


Last spring I was an invited speaker at PaleoFest at the Burpee Museum of Natural History in Rockford, Illinois. I meant to get these photos posted right after I got back. But I flew back from Illinois on Monday, March 9, 2020, and by the following weekend I was throwing together virtual anatomy labs for the med students. You know the rest. 

The wall of ceratopsians at the Burpee Museum. Every museum should have one of these.

I had a fantastic time at PaleoFest. The hosts were awesome, the talks were great, the Burpee is a cool museum to explore, and the swag was phenomenal.

An ontogenetic series of Triceratops skulls. Check out how the bony horn cores switch from back-curving to forward-curving. The keratin sheaths over the horn cores elongated, but they didn’t remodel, so adult trikes probably had S-curving horns.

I know I poke a lot of fun at non-sauropods around here, but the truth is that I’m a pan-dino-geek at heart. When I’m looking at theropods and ceratopsians I am mostly uncontaminated by specialist knowledge or a desire to work on them, so I can relax, and squee the good squee.

I’m a sucker for dinosaur skin. It’s just mind-blowing that we can tell more or less what it would feel like to pet a dinosaur.

Among the memorable talks last year: Win McLaughlin educated me about rhinos, which are a heck of a lot weirder than I thought; Larisa DeSantis gave a mind-expanding talk about mammalian diets, evolution, and environmental change; and Holly Woodward explained in convincing detail why “Nanotyrannus” is a juvenile T. rex.

The pride of the Burpee Museum: Jane, the juvenile T. rex.

But my favorite presentation of the conference was Susie Maidment’s talk on stegosaurs. It was one of the those great talks in which the questions I had after seeing one slide were answered on the next slide, and where by end of the presentation I had absorbed a ton of new information almost effortlessly, by  just listening to an enthusiastic person talk almost conversationally about their topic. And when I say “effortlessly”, I mean for the audience–I know from long experience that presentations like that are born from deep, thorough knowledge of one’s topic, deliberate planning, and rehearsal.

The big T. rex mount is pretty great, too.

That’s not to slight the other speakers, of course. All the talks were good, and that’s not an easy thing to pull off. Full credit to Josh Matthews and the organizing committee for putting on such an engaging and inspiring conference.

Did I say the swag was phenomenal? The swag was phenomenal. Above are just a few of my favorite things: a Burpee-plated Rite-in-the-Rain field notebook, a fridge magnet, a cool sticker, and at the center, My Precious: a personalized Estwing rock hammer. Estwing makes nice stuff, and a lot of paleontologists and field geologists carry Estwing rock hammers. Estwing is also based in Rockford, and they’ve partnered with the Burpee Museum to make these personalized rock hammers for PaleoFest, which is pretty darned awesome.

I already had an Estwing hammer–one of blue-grip models–which is good, because the engraved one is going in my office, not to the field. (If you’re wondering why my field hammer looks so suspiciously unworn, it’s because my original was stolen a few years ago, and I’m still breaking this one in. By doing stuff like this.)

There’s a little Burpee logo with a silhouette of Jane down at the end of the handle, so I had to take Jane to meet Jane.

Parting shot: I grew up in a house out in the country, about 2 miles outside of the tiny town of Hillsdale, Oklahoma, which is about 20 miles north of Enid, which is about 100 miles north-northwest of Oklahoma City. Hillsdale is less than an hour from Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge, where you can go dig for selenite crystals like the ones shown above. The digging is only allowed in designated areas, to avoid unexploded ordnance from when the salt plains were used as a bombing range in World War II, and at certain times of year, to avoid bothering the endangered whooping cranes that nest there.

I don’t know how many times I went to Salt Plains to dig crystals as a kid, either on family outings or school field trips, but it was a lot. I still have a tub of them out in the garage (little ones, nothing like museum-quality). And there are nice samples, like the one shown above, in the mineral hall of just about every big natural history museum on the planet. One of my favorite things to do when I visit a new museum is go cruise the mineral display and find the selenite crystals from Salt Plains. I’ve seen Salt Plains selenite in London, Berlin, and Vienna, and in most of the US natural history museums that I’ve visited for research or for fun. The farm boy in me still gets a little thrill at seeing a little piece of northwest Oklahoma, from a place that I’ve been and dug, on display in far-flung cities.

I already credited Josh Matthews for organizing a fabulous conference, but I need to thank him for being such a gracious host. He helped me arrange transportation, saw that all my needs were met, kept me plied with food and drink, and drove me to Chicago, along with a bunch of other folks, for a Field Museum visit before my flight home, which is how I got this awesome photo, and also these awesome photos. Thanks also to my fellow speakers, for many fascinating conversations, and to the PaleoFest audience, for bringing their A game and asking good questions. I didn’t know that PaleoFest 2020 would be my last conference for a while, but it was certainly a good one to go out on.

This is a very belated follow-up to “Tutorial 12: How to find problems to work on“, and it’s about how to turn Step 2, “Learn lots of stuff”, into concrete progress. I’m putting it here, now, because I frequently get asked by students about how to get started in research, and I’ve been sending them the same advice for a while. As with Tutorial 25, from now on I can direct the curious to this post, and spend more time talking with them about what they’re interested in, and less time yakking about nuts and bolts. But I hope the rest of you find this useful, too.

Assuming, per Tutorial 12, that you’ve picked something to investigate–or maybe you’re trying to pick among things to investigate–what next? You need a tractable way to get started, to organize the things you’re learning, and to create a little structure for yourself. My recommendation: do a little project, with the emphasis on little. Anyone can do this, in any area of human activity. Maybe your project will be creating a sculpture, shooting and editing a video, learning–or creating–a piece of music, or fixing a lawn mower engine. My central interest is how much we still have to discover about the natural world, so from here on I’m going to be writing as a researcher addressing other researchers, or aspiring researchers.

Arteries of the anterior leg, from Gray’s Anatomy (1918: fig. 553). Freely available courtesy of

I’ll start with a couple of examples, both from my own not-too-distant history. A few years ago I got to help some of my colleagues from the College of Podiatric Medicine with a research project on the perforating branch of the peroneal artery (Penera et al. 2014). I knew that vessel from textbooks and atlases and from having dissected a few out, but I had never read any of the primary (journal) literature on it. As the designated anatomist on the project, I needed to write up the anatomical background. So I hit the journals, tracked down what looked like the most useful papers, and wrote a little 2-page summary. We didn’t use all of it in the paper, and we didn’t use it all in one piece. Some sentences went into the Introduction, others into the Discussion, and still others got dropped entirely or cut way down. But it was still a tremendously useful exercise, and in cases like this, it’s really nice to have more written down than you actually need. Here’s that little writeup, in case you want to see what it looks like:

Wedel 2013 anatomy of the perforating branch of the peroneal artery

Pigeon spinal cord cross-section, from Necker (2006: fig. 4).

More recently, when I started working with Jessie Atterholt on weird neural canal stuff in dinosaurs, I realized that I needed to know more about glycogen bodies in birds, and about bird spinal cords generally. I expected that to be quick and easy: read a couple of papers, jot down the important bits, boom, done. Then I learned about lumbosacral canals, lobes of Lachi, the ‘ventral eminences’ of the spinal cord in ostriches, and more, a whole gnarly mess of complex anatomy that was completely new to me. I spent about a week just grokking all the weird crap that birds have going on in their neural canals, and realized that I needed to crystallize my understanding while I had the whole structure in my head. Otherwise I’d come back in a few months and have to learn it all over again. Because it was inherently visual material, this time I made a slide deck rather than a block of text, something I could use to get my coauthors up to speed on all this weirdness, as well as a reminder for my future self. Here’s that original slide deck:

Wedel 2018 Avian lumbosacral spinal cord specializations

If you’re already active in research, you may be thinking, “Yeah, duh, of course you write stuff down as you get a handle on it. That’s just learning.” And I agree. But although this may seem basic, it isn’t necessarily obvious to people who are just starting out. And even to the established, it may not be obvious that doing little projects like this is a good model for making progress generally. Each one is a piton driven into the mountainside that I’m trying to climb: useful for me, and assuming I get them out into the world, useful for anyone I’d like to come with me (which, for an educator and a scientist, means everyone).

A view down the top of the vertebral column in the mounted skeleton of Apatosaurus louisae, CM 3018, showing the trough between the bifurcated neural spines.

If you’re not active in research, the idea of writing little term papers may sound like purgatory. But writing about something that you love, that fascinates you, is a very different proposition from writing about dead royalty or symbolism because you have to for a class.* I do these little projects for myself, to satisfy my curiosity, and it doesn’t feel like work. More like advanced play. When I’m really in the thick of learning a new thing–and not, say, hesitating on the edge before I plunge in–I am so happy that I tend to literally bounce around like a little kid, and the only thing that keeps me sitting still is the lure of learning the next thing. That I earn career beans for doing this still seems somewhat miraculous, like getting paid to eat ice cream.

* YMMV, history buffs and humanities folks. If dead royalty and symbolism rock your world but arteries and vertebrae leave you cold, follow your star, and may a thousand gardens grow.

Doing little projects is such a convenient and powerful way to make concrete progress that it has become my dominant mode. As with the piece that I wrote about the perforating branch of the peroneal artery, the products rarely get used wholesale in whatever conference presentation or research paper I end up putting together, but they’re never completely useless. First, there is the benefit to my understanding that I get from assembling them. Second, they’re useful for introducing other people to the sometimes-obscure stuff I work on, and nothing makes you really grapple with a problem like having to explain it to others. And third, these little writeups and slideshows become the Lego bricks from which I assemble future talks and papers. The bird neural canal slide deck became a decent chunk of our presentation on the Snowmass Haplocanthosaurus at the 1st Palaeontological Virtual Congress (Wedel et al. 2018)–and it’s about to become something even better. (Four months later: it did!)

The operative word at the start of the last paragraph is ‘concrete’. I don’t think this was always the case, but now that I’m in my mid-40s ‘what I know’ is basically equivalent to ‘what I remember’, which is basically equivalent to ‘what I’ve written down’. (And sometimes not even then–Mike and I both run across old posts here on SV-POW! that we’ve forgotten all about, which is a bit scary, given how often we put novel observations and ideas into blog posts.) Anyway, this is why I like the expression ‘crystallize my understanding’: the towers of comprehension that I build in my head are sand castles, and if I don’t find a way to freeze them in place, they will be washed away by time and my increasingly unreliable cerebral machinery.

Really nice Stegosaurus plate on display at Dinosaur National Monument.

Also, if I divide my life into the things I could do and the things I have done, only the things in the latter category are useful. So if you are wondering if it’s worthwhile to write a page to your future self about valves in the cerebral arteries of rats, or all of the dinosaurs from islands smaller than Great Britain, or whatever strange thing has captured your attention, I say yes, go for it. Don’t worry about finding something novel to say; at the early stages you’re just trying to educate yourself (also, talks and papers need intro and background material, so you can still get credit for your efforts). I’ll bet that if you set yourself the goal of creating a few of these–say, one per year, or one per semester–you’ll find ways to leverage them once you’ve created them. If all else fails, start a blog. That might sound flip, but I don’t mean for it to. I got my gig writing for Sky & Telescope because I’d been posting little observing projects for the readers of my stargazing blog.

A final benefit of doing these little projects: they’re fast and cheap, like NASA’s Discovery missions. So they’re a good way to dip your toes into a new area before you commit to something more involved. The more things you try, the more chances you have to discover whatever it is that’s going to make you feel buoyantly happy.

You may have noticed that all of my examples in this post involved library research. That’s because I’m particularly interested in using little projects to get started in new lines of inquiry, and whenever you are starting out in a new area, you have to learn where the cutting edge is before you can move it forward (Tutorial 12 again). Also, as a practical consideration, most of us are stuck with library research right now because of the pandemic. Obviously this library research is no substitute for time in the lab or the field, but even cutters and diggers need to do their homework, and these little projects are the best way that I’ve found of doing that.

P.S. If you are a student, read this and do likewise. And, heck, everyone else who writes should do that, too. It is by far the advice I give most often as a journal editor and student advisor.

P.P.S. As long as you’re reading Paul Graham, read this piece, too–this whole post was inspired by the bit near the end about doing projects.


Two professionals, hard at work.

After this year’s SVPCA, Vicki and London and I spent a few days with the Taylor family in the lovely village of Ruardean. It wasn’t all faffing about with the Iguanodon pelvis, the above photo notwithstanding. Mike and I had much to discuss after the conference, in particular what the next steps might be for the Supersaurus project. Mike has been tracking down early mentions of Supersaurus, and in particular trying to determine the point at which Jensen decided that it might be a diplodocid rather than a brachiosaurid. I recalled that Gerald Wood discussed Supersaurus in his wonderful 1982 book, The Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats. While on the track of Supersaurus, I stumbled across this amazing claim in the section on Diplodocus (Wood 1982: p. 209):

According to De Camp and De Camp (1968) these giant sauropods may have been able to regenerate lost parts, and they mention another skeleton collected in Wyoming which appeared to have lost about 25 per cent of its tail to a carnosaur and then regrown it — along with 21 new vertebrae!

De Camp and De Camp (1968) is a popular or non-technical book, The Day of the Dinosaur. Used copies can be had for a song, so I ordered one online and it was waiting for me when I got back to California.

The Day of the Dinosaur is an interesting book. L. Sprague De Camp and Catherine Crook De Camp embodied the concept of the “life-long learner” before there was a buzzword to go with it. He had been an aerospace engineer in World War II, and she had been an honors graduate and teacher, before they turned to writing full time. Individually and together, they produced a wide range of science fiction, fantasy, and nonfiction books over careers that spanned almost six decades. The De Camps’ writing in The Day of the Dinosaur is erudite in range but conversational in style, and they clearly kept up with current discoveries. They also recognized that science is a human enterprise and that, like any exploratory process, it is marked by wildly successful leaps, frustrating wheel-spinning, and complete dead ends. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the authors were completely up to speed on plate tectonics, an essentially brand-new science in 1968, and they explain it as an alternative to older theories about immensely long land bridges or sunken continents.

At the same time, the book arrived just before the end-of-the-1960s publications of John Ostrom and Bob Bakker that kicked off the Dinosaur Renaissance, so there’s no mention of warm-blooded dinosaurs. The De Camps’ sauropods and duckbills are still swamp-bound morons, “endlessly dredging up mouthfuls of soft plant food and living out their long, slow, placid, brainless lives” (p. 142), stalked by ‘carnosaurs’ that were nothing more than collections of teeth relentlessly driven by blind instinct and hunger. The book is therefore an artifact of a precise time; there was perhaps a year at most in the late 1960s when authors as technically savvy as the De Camps would have felt obliged to explain plate tectonics and its nearly-complete takeover of structural geology (which had just happened), but not to comment on the new and outrageous hypothesis of warm-blooded, active, terrestrial dinosaurs (which hadn’t happened yet).

The book may also appeal to folks with an interest in mid-century paleo-art, as the illustrations are a glorious hodge-podge of Charles R. Knight, Neave Parker, photos of models and mounted skeletons from museums, life restorations reproduced from the technical literature, and original art produced for the book, including quite a few line drawings by one L. Sprague De Camp. Roy Krenkel even contributed an original piece, shown above (if you don’t know Krenkel, he was a contemporary and sometime collaborator of Al Williamson and Frank Frazetta, and his art collection Swordsmen and Saurians is stunning and still gettable at not-completely-ruinous prices; I’ve had mine since about 1997).

ANYWAY, as entertaining as The Day of the Dinosaur is, it doesn’t do much to help us regenerate the tale of the regenerated tail. Here’s the entire story, from page 114:

Sauropods, some students think, had great powers of regenerating lost parts. One specimen from Wyoming is thought to have lost the last quarter of its tail and regrown it, along with twenty-one new tail vertebrae. That is better than a modern lizard can do; for the lizard, in regenerating its tail, grows only a stumpy approximation of the original, without new vertebrae.

That’s it. No sources mentioned or cited, so no advance over Wood in terms of tracking down the origin of the story.

Massospondylus tail with traumatic amputation at caudal 25 (Butler et al. 2013: fig. 1A).

To be clear, I don’t really think there is a sauropod that regrew its tail, especially since we have evidence for traumatic tail amputation without regeneration in the basal sauropodomorph Massospondylus (Butler et al. 2013), in the theropod Majungasaurus (Farke and O’Connor 2007), and in a hadrosaur (Tanke and Rothschild 2002). But I would love to learn how such a story got started, what the evidence was, how it was communicated, and most importantly, how it took on a life of its own.

If anyone knows any more about this, I’d be very grateful for any pointers. The comment thread is open.


  • Butler, R. J., Yates, A. M., Rauhut, O. W., & Foth, C. 2013. A pathological tail in a basal sauropodomorph dinosaur from South Africa: evidence of traumatic amputation? Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33(1): 224-228.
  • De Camp, L. S., and De Camp, C. C. 1968. The Day of the Dinosaur. Bonanza Books, New York, 319 pp.
  • Farke, A. A., & O’Connor, P. M. 2007. Pathology in Majungasaurus crenatissimus (Theropoda: Abelisauridae) from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 27(S2): 180-184.
  • Krenkel, R. G. 1989. Swordsmen and Saurians: From the Mesozoic to Barsoom. Eclipse Books, 152 pp.
  • Tanke, D. H., & Rothschild, B. M. 2002. DINOSORES: An annotated bibliography of dinosaur paleopathology and related topics—1838-2001. Bulletin of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, vol. 20.
  • Wood, G. L. 1982. The Guinness Book of Animals Facts & Feats (3rd edition). Guinness Superlatives Ltd., Enfield, Middlesex, 252 pp.

This past summer I did a post on my birthday card from Brian Engh, but I haven’t posted about my birthday present from him: this handmade fired-clay sculpture of Parasaurolophus.

I don’t have a ton to say about it, other than that — as you can tell from the photos — it looks pretty darned convincing. I adore the fern leaf impressions in the base.

This sits on the mantle in our living room. My eye wanders to it in stray moments. I’ve often run down ornithopods as boring, but they’re all right. They’re the clade of dinosaurs most remote from my research, so they’re about the only ones left that just signify “dinosaur” to me, without any research-related intellectual baggage. So when I’m woolgathering and my eyes land on this sculpture, it doesn’t make me think about me or now. It makes me think about them, and then. It’s a talismanic time machine. And a pretty darned great birthday present. Thanks, Brian!

We’re just back from an excellent SVPCA on the Isle of Wight. We’ll write more about it, but this time I just want to draw attention to a neat find. During a bit of down time, Matt and Vicki were wandering around West Cowes (the town where the scientific sessions were held), when they stumbled across a place called That Shop. Intrigued by all the Lego figures in the window, they went in, and Matt found a small section of fossils. Including … an Iguanodon pelvis, supposedly certified as such by the Dinosaur Isle museum.


Here it is: I imagine that whoever classified it read this elongate concave surface as part of the acetabulum. Matt’s hypothesis is that they mistook it for a sacral vertebra and that became “pelvis” via over-simplification.

It’s about 18 cm in a straight line across the widest part, or 20 cm around the curve.

Here is an actual documentary record of Matt’s moment of discovery:

Yep, you got it! It’s a sauropod vertebra! (Matt would never have spent good money on a stinkin’ appendicular element of a stinkin’ ornithopod.)

Specifically, it’s the bottom half of the front part of the centrum of a dorsal vertebra:

Eucamerotus” dorsal vertebra NHMUK PV R88 in right lateral and anterior views. Non-faded portions show the location of the Wedel Specimen. Modified from Hulke (1880: plate IV).

In these photos, we’re looking down into it more or less directly dorsal view, with anterior to the left. Click through the photos, and — once you know what you’re looking at — you can clearly see the pneumatic spaces: nice patches of finished bone lining the camellae, with trabecular bone in between.

Clearly there’s nowhere near enough of this to say what it is with any certainty. But our best guess is that it seems compatible with a titanosauriform identity, quite possibly in same space as the various Wealden sauropod dorsals that have been assigned to Ornithopsis or Eucamerotus.


  • Hulke, J. W.  1880.  Supplementary Note on the Vertebræ of Ornithopsis, Seeley, = Eucamerotous, Hulke. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 36:31–35.  doi:10.1144/GSL.JGS.1880.036.01-04.06