Govinda's wife Sunita Ahuja, who kept a low profile all these years, is now opening up on her life with the star, who reigned the 80s and 90s. Known for her candid, honest demeanour, Sunita, in a recent interview, did not mince her words and revealed that not all is rosy in her marriage, and she too, like other wives, feels insecure. She also revealed that she and Govinda do not stay under the same house, as their preferences are now different.
How Do You Feel About Govinda and Sunita Ahuja’s Relationship Insights?
In an interview with Hindi Rush, she shared that the couple now live separately, with Sunita residing in an apartment with their children, while Govinda stays in a bungalow across the street. Reflecting on their relationship, Sunita confessed that she used to feel secure in their marriage, but no longer experiences the same sense of certainty and comfort.
Sunita explained that while she values her time with their children, Govinda's busy work schedule often keeps him occupied, and he spends much of his time socializing with friends after meetings. She noted that the differences in their lifestyles and preferences have created a sense of emotional distance between them. Sunita also mentioned how she enjoys more quiet time with her family, contrasting it with Govinda's tendency to engage in lengthy conversations with others.In the interview with Pinkvilla, Sunita spoke humorously but with underlying concern about their lack of romantic outings. She expressed a desire to spend quality time with Govinda, doing simple things like enjoying street food together, but emphasized that his work commitments had kept him too busy for such moments. Sunita jokingly shared that she had told him, "In my next life, don’t be my husband," as she feels neglected and distant from him in their current phase of life.
Despite her playful comments, Sunita admitted to a growing unease about the state of their marriage. With Govinda now over 60, Sunita voiced her worries about his behavior, saying that while he was once too busy to have affairs, now that he's more idle, she fears what he might do. Her remarks hinted at a deeper concern that she no longer feels the same level of security in their relationship as she once did.
Married for nearly 37 years, Govinda and Sunita tied the knot in 1987 when she was just 18. They have two children, Yashvardhan and Tina Ahuja, and continue to share glimpses of their family life. However, Sunita's recent comments shed light on the challenges she faces in their long-lasting marriage.