Anti-dumping duties

In addition to regular customs duties, a product may be subject to anti-dumping duties or other trade defence instruments.

Dumping occurs when a company exports a product at a price lower than the product's normal value in its home market. This normal value can be the domestic price of the product or its cost of production.

If an investigation finds that importers have engaged in dumping and that this has caused injury to the domestic industry of the importing country, anti-dumping measures may be imposed on imports of the product concerned.

These measures can take one of the following forms

  • an ad valorem duty (levied on the transaction value);
  • specific duties (levied on a specific quantity of the product);
  • price undertakings (the exporter agrees to sell its products at a minimum price).

When your company is considering trading its products, you should find out which import duties and other costs you could face. Please check the available information here:

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