




We were so looking forward to the long weekend. I am not a camper but the kids had been asking. When I found what looked like carefree glamping, I thought it was perfect. Check in time is later - 4 p.m. - but I thought we'd at least get the chance to walk the grounds and hang out. When we got there we couldn't find a parking space anywhere so we drove up to the front of the clubhouse and there was a large wedding reception. We literally walked into someone's wedding reception with our luggage. It was so loud we couldn't hear any details from the front desk. We grabbed our keycards and were bummed to see that the entire clubhouse and lawn were taken by the wedding. This is a big part of their advertisement. The space doesn't lend itself to hosting a function like that and not having it be at the expense of the guests not attending the wedding. An earlier check-in or some sort of acknowledgment you were being cheated would've gone a long way in the hospitality dept. We got to our airstream which was clean and in a good spot. However, we were sparse on any extras - cookware, flatware, outdoor lights (no latern), matches. As I mentioned - not a camper and this felt like you still needed to bring everything so what am I paying a premium for? The wedding was also super loud so we spent the first night inside our very crammed quarters. Didn't hear much after 10 though so it was an early shutdown. When I made the reservation I asked if the pull out would fit two kids and was told that would be fine. It was incredibly tight and uncomfortable. It's a very small, thin lean back which leaves a big space right down the middle which we stuffed with towels. The bathrooms are large and modern. The water pressure is better than I anticipated for a campground. The next day there was granola, tea, coffee and cocoa with other items available for purchase. At around $450/nt I think a big tub of granola is a bit sad. A toaster with bread or yogurt to go with the granola would've looked like at least some effort was made for the cost. Overall, a cute idea that looks great for your social photos but not at all worth the price. And, the space simply doesn't lend itself to having a large function that overtakes all of the common areas.
AutoCamp Cape Cod 舊銀海灘附近的飯店

AutoCamp Cape Cod

每晚起價: TWD 6080
TTennisSML6我對這次住宿的希望很低,那些希望甚至超出了我的想象。我們走進房間,它已經聞起來像死魚。房間看起來有些更新,但不要被欺騙。我登錄電腦完成一天的工作,受到小蒼蠅的歡迎。當我坐在那裏打電話時,他們蜂擁而至,變得更加煩人。然後我去拿我的泳衣,我的包裏有蟲子,我的包已經打開了,所以我的孩子可以穿上他們的泳衣。一樓的房間,零隱私,人們不斷走過,看着房間裏發生了什麼,關閉陰影意味着在美麗的一天是一個吸血鬼。我終於頭到游泳池,以爲游泳池有問題,明顯超過氯化的陰天。也沒有發現一條泳池毛巾。第二天房間裏又多出了蟲子。他們給你洗髮水,沐浴露和肥皂棒,但沒有護髮素。毛巾對我們的孩子來說是完美的尺寸,而不是成人,他們只給你 2.紙巾分配器下沒有紙巾盒。電視會打開,但從未工作。房間兩扇門,應該有高死栓特別是一樓房間。我們晚上不得不堵住門,以確保孩子沒有起牀離開房間。到了第三天,我們準備離開,冰箱終於冷了。就像他們試圖廉價更新它,但它的真實顏色出來了。不能把口紅放在豬身上,它只是不起作用。
紅色系列飯店的海軍上將旅館和套房 舊銀海灘附近的飯店


每晚起價: TWD 2830
Mmrayburn13所以,我在Trip Advisor的廣場上找到了Inn,它看起來很整潔。到達那裡,就像廣告一樣。房間在“小屋建築”,這不是一個問題tbh。最大的問題是那棟樓裏沒有電梯,我們有很多行李!也就是說,他們對我們非常寬容。游泳池很好,如果有點冷。裝飾很棒。我的主要問題是建築。我們和我們11個月大的女兒一起旅行,她剛剛早上8點睡著了,當時施工人員開始用頭撞擊窗戶。當我打開窗帘向他們展示我在做什麼時,他們衹是搬到了房間的另一扇窗戶。不酷!當前台得到通知時,他們立即從我的賬單中扣除一部分作為補償。雖然它沒有解決問題,但至少他們做了他們能夠迅速做到的事情。會再次留在這裏,沒有任何保留!
廣場飯店 舊銀海灘附近的飯店


每晚起價: TWD 3647


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