📍On November 15, a working meeting of the TOURAL project participants from National Ecological Centre of Ukraine TOURAL Kutsurub rural region with representatives of the local community, businesses, and authorities took place in the Kutsurub community. 🔍During the meeting, project manager Diana Krysynska presented the TOURAL project and its interim results. Mykola Hrubyi highlighted the prospects for collaboration between the NGO "Kinbur" and the Kutsurub community within the project's framework. 🖇️Thanks to the productive engagement of tourism industry experts, obstacles, development directions, and future opportunities for the tourism industry in the Kutsurub community were identified. 📌Additionally, a survey was conducted to gather local perspectives on a model for further collaboration to revive the tourism industry in the Kutsurub community. 🧷The facilitation session was conducted by Ruslan Volchetskyi. Video material: Anna Kosmachova #NECU #Toural #Kinburn #SustainableTourism #CommunityDevelopment #Ecotourism #TourismUkraine #LocalInitiatives #CollaborationForFuture #TravelUkraine #GreenTourism #RuralDevelopment #VisitKutsurub #KinburnPeninsula #EcoProjects
National Ecological Centre of Ukraine
Громадські та громадські організації
Kyiv, Kyiv 146 послідовників
Про нас
Національний екологічний центр України (НЕЦУ) був заснований 30 серпня 1991 р. Це одна з перших екологічних громадських неприбуткових організацій національного рівня, зареєстрованих у незалежній Україні. Нині НЕЦУ має 24 територіальних відділення, що діють по всій Україні. У 2003 р. було відновлено діяльність Молодіжного відділення НЕЦУ. НЕЦУ ставить собі на меті створення здорового довкілля та поліпшення якості життя людей в Україні. Ми намагаємося донести позиції фахівців в охороні довкілля до посадовців які приймають рішення у різних галузях господарства. Значна частка нашої роботи пов’язані з жагою зберегти природу нашої країни через створення нових природоохоронних об’єктів та відстоювання недоторканності існуючих. Ми також намагаємося вплинути на енергетичну політику, розуміючи, що саме новітні підходи до розбудови енергетичного сектора створять умови для розвитку нашої країни без негативних наслідків для довкілля. Нарешті, ми впевнені що кошти платників податків не повинні використовуватися на будівництво об’єктів зі значним негативним впливом на населення та довкілля, і намагаємося вплинути на рішення про фінансування проектів міжнародними фінансовими організаціями.
- Вебсайт
Зовнішнє посилання для National Ecological Centre of Ukraine
- Галузь
- Громадські та громадські організації
- Розмір компанії
- 51-200 працівників
- Штаб-квартира
- Kyiv, Kyiv
- Тип
- Некомерційна організація
- Засновано
- 1991
- Спеціалізації
- nature conservation, biodiversity, non-nuclear, climate change і environmental damage of war
Symona Petliury Street 7-9
office 63,
Kyiv, Kyiv 01032, UA
Працівники у National Ecological Centre of Ukraine
Oksana Volosko-Demkiv
Director of the Center for Environmental Consulting and Auditing
Khrystyna Rudnytska
climate change program coordinator at National ecological center of Ukraine
Maria Storchilo
Climate change campaigner - National ecological centre of Ukraine
Anastasiia Nevmerzhytska 🇺🇦
🌍 Join the European Solidarity Corps with National Ecological Centre of Ukraine and Democracy International e.V. 🇺🇦🇪🇺 📍 Location: Cologne, Germany 📅 Duration: 12 months (starting March 2025) 💡 About the Program Are you passionate about civic engagement and international collaboration? This program is your chance to contribute to democratic initiatives, gain valuable professional experience, and become part of a global network of changemakers. ✨ What We Offer: ▪️ Hands-on experience in organizing events, managing projects, and working on civic initiatives. ▪️ Training and mentorship in tools like Citizens’ Assemblies and European Citizens’ Initiatives. ▪️ Travel opportunities across EU countries. ▪️ Financial support, including a monthly stipend, plus accommodation, transport, and insurance coverage. 📧 How to Apply Ready to take part? Here's how: Visit our website for detailed instructions: 👉 https://lnkd.in/eXCYBh9B Send your CV and a motivation letter in English to hardt@democracy-international.org yuliia.khrystynchenko@gw.necu.org.ua. Deadline for applications: January 15, 2025. 🌱 About Us The National Ecological Centre of Ukraine (NECU), in partnership with Democracy International, supports young people in building a more democratic and sustainable future. 📸 Note: Visuals accompanying this post were created using AI tools.
📄 Ruslan Havryliuk, National Coordinator of the Ukrainian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, has prepared a document summarizing the results of the First Summit of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, 🌍 held on November 19–21, 2024, in Vienna, Austria. ✨ This is a new format that replaced the annual Forum assemblies, of which 15 have taken place since the European Union established the Eastern Partnership policy. 💥 The Summit, held amidst the full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine, brought together representatives of civil society from the Eastern Partnership countries and the European Union, as well as officials responsible for cooperation within the Eastern Partnership framework. 💪 A strong Ukrainian delegation participated in the Summit, covering all key areas of Ukraine-EU cooperation. 📑 In the review prepared by the National Coordinator of the Ukrainian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership, Ruslan Havryliuk, highlights the Summit’s results and their significance for Ukraine’s civil society. 🔍 The document includes information on: ▪️ the background of the Summit; ▪️ its key topics; ▪️ the results of panels important for Ukraine; ▪️ a detailed analysis of the Summit Resolution, adopted on the 1,000th day of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine. 📌 Recommended for: ✅ representatives of civil society; ✅ government authorities responsible for Ukraine's European integration processes; ✅ strengthening and coordinating advocacy of Ukraine’s interests on the path to EU membership. 📄 This document was prepared as part of the project "Support for the activities of the UNP EaP CSF in 2024", implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting 🏛️ with financial support from the 🇪🇺 European Union. ⚠️ Opinions expressed in the materials or voiced during the event are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting. 📥 Download the document here: https://lnkd.in/ew-jew85
On November 21, 2024, in Vienna, the First Summit of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum hosted a panel discussion titled "Engaging Citizens and Communities in the Recovery of Pro-European Ukraine." The event served as a platform to discuss the role of civil society in implementing reforms, post-war recovery, and Ukraine's European integration. Speakers and participants aimed to answer the following questions: ❓ What role do communities play in the reform process? ❓ How can Eastern Partnership policies encourage community involvement in rebuilding the country? Key discussion topics: 🔷 Quality of drinking water and food security 🌾 🔷 Soil contamination as a result of war 🏞️ 🔷 Identifying community needs and supporting their development 🏘️ 🔷 Documenting environmental crimes caused by the war 📜 NECU's expert on renewable energy and sustainable development, Nataliia Nauchu, shared the results of implemented projects and her observations from working with communities. She emphasized the serious challenges faced by regions suffering daily from environmental destruction due to Russian aggression and stressed the importance of engaging local residents in addressing these issues. The results of NECU's collaboration with frontline communities, supported through the implementation of the following projects, were also presented: 🔷 WEDUA – Assessment of the environmental consequences of the war for communities 🔷 CitiObs – Improving community observatories for healthy, sustainable, resilient, and inclusive cities 🔷 TOURAL project – New tourism models for the sustainable development of rural and remote areas TOURAL Kutsurub rural region Moderator: 🔷 Anton Antonenko, Vice President of DiXi Group Speakers: 🔷 Monika Figaj, Energy Community Secretariat 🔷 Nataliia Andrusievych, @Resource and Analytical Center "Society and Environment" 🔷 Nataliia Nauchu, National Ecological Center of Ukraine 🔷 Tetyana Tymoshenko, All-Ukrainian Federation of Employers in the Tourism Sector Key takeaway: Society holds great potential for sustainable development, but communities need support, knowledge, and resources to realize their capabilities. Active citizen engagement is the cornerstone of Ukraine's European future and sustainable development, even in challenging times.🌍 хештег #EaPCSFSummit #UkraineRecovery #NECU #CitiObs #WEDUA #TOURAL
🌍 Join us for a public discussion on the findings of CSO research regarding the implementation of the European Commission's recommendations under Chapter 27 "Environment and Climate Change." 📊 Ukraine's Progress on the Path to the EU: A Year in Review from the CSO Perspective 🔍 (Monitoring the implementation of the European Commission's recommendations according to the 2023 Enlargement Report, focusing on environmental and climate tasks) 📈 Independent analysis of Ukraine's progress in fulfilling environmental and climate recommendations is a vital component of ensuring transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the country's EU integration process. 📅 When: November 26, 2024, at 2:00 PM Kyiv time 💻 Where: Online (Zoom platform) 🔗 Register here: https://lnkd.in/eNCRspEh 📄 Learn more about the event: https://lnkd.in/eDjVQcCn 🌱 Don't miss it! Together for a sustainable and eco-friendly future 🌟
📢 Запрошуємо на публічне обговорення «Прогрес України на шляху до ЄС: підсумки року з точки зору ОГС», де буде представлено результати дослідження ОГС про виконання рекомендацій Європейської комісії за Розділом 27 «Довкілля та зміна клімату». 📌 Незалежний аналіз прогресу виконання Україною рекомендацій у сфері довкілля та клімату є важливим компонентом забезпечення прозорості, підзвітності та ефективності процесу наближення України до ЄС. 📌 Реформи в галузі довкілля та клімату - це саме ті реформи, про необхідність яких неодноразово заявляли представники природоохоронних громадських організацій. У Звіті про Україну – 2023 (в першому для нас Пакеті з розширення ЄС) своє бачення стану довкіллєвої сфери та рекомендації щодо її вдосконалення надала Єврокомісія. 🤝 У дискусії беруть участь • Юлія ОВЧИННИКОВА, народний депутат України, голова підкомітету з питань лісових ресурсів, біорізноманіття, природних ландшафтів, об'єктів природно-заповідного фонду та з питань адаптації законодавства України до положень права Європейського Союзу Комітету Верховної Ради України з питань екологічної політики та природокористування Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; • Наталія АНДРУСЕВИЧ Nataliya Andrusevych, координатор Робочої групи 3 «Довкілля, зміни клімату та енергетична безпека» Української національної платформи Форуму громадянського суспільства Східного партнерства, голова правління РАЦ «Суспільство і довкілля» Resource and Analysis Center "Society and Environment"; • Ганна ГОЛУБОВСЬКА-ОНІСІМОВА Anna Golubovska - Onisimova, експертка з екологічної політики; • Дмитро ІВАНОВ, член Ради Національного екологічного центру України • Руслан ГАВРИЛЮК Ruslan Havryliuk, голова National Ecological Centre of Ukraine, національний координатор УНП ФГС СхП. • Модератор: Тамара МАЛЬКОВА Tamara Malkova, координатор Робочої групи 5 «Енергетика, транспорт, довкілля та зміна клімату» Української сторони Платформи громадянського суспільства Україна-ЄС, директор Інформаційного центру «Зелене досьє» Information Center "Green Dossier" . Детальна інформація 👉 https://lnkd.in/dkHdZZwE. Реєстрація за посиланням 👉 https://lnkd.in/dyfu7yCm. ℹ️ Захід проводиться в межах ініціативи «На шляху до ЄС у сфері довкілля: аналіз прогресу України з виконання рекомендацій Звіту Єврокомісії у рамках пакету про розширення», яку здійснює Робоча група 3 Української платформи Форуму громадянського суспільства Східного Партнерства. Інформація підготовлена в рамках проєкту «Підтримка діяльності Української національної платформи ФГС СхПу 2024 р.», який реалізує ІЕД / IER за фінансової підтримки Європейського Союзу. Зміст цієї публікації є виключною відповідальністю авторів і не обов’язково відображає точку зору Європейського Союзу чи Інституту економічних досліджень та політичних консультацій. #ЄвроВідродження #ПрямуємоРазом #GreenDeal #GreenRecovery #MovingForwardTogether
Continuing the Series on the Aftermath of the Kakhovka Disaster 🌍 This is the latest post in a series dedicated to analyzing the consequences of the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in June 2023. We explore how this tragedy has impacted the environment, people, and the challenges Ukraine faces on its path to recovery. 🌊The Kakhovka Reservoir played a critical role in supplying water resources to southern Ukraine. Over more than 60 years, a unique ecosystem had formed within the reservoir itself and along the Lower Dnipro. 💥 The dam explosion in June 2023 led to dramatic changes, as noted by Ruslan Havryliuk, Head of the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine 🔹 It was one of the largest reservoirs in terms of area, the second-largest on the Dnipro, and the largest overall among lowland reservoirs. 🔹 Within just a few days, the reservoir lost its water and surface area, altering the hydrological conditions. 🔹 Settlements that depended on water from the Kakhovka Reservoir or its canals were left without water. 🔹 Vast irrigated lands on both sides of the Dnipro also faced water shortages. 🧪 Impacts on Water and Soil: Changes in groundwater dynamics: The reduction in surface water infiltration has led to changes in both the quantity and quality of groundwater. Risk of contamination: Pollutants left on the soil surface or absorbed into groundwater pose a significant threat to local populations who rely on groundwater for drinking and household use. 📉 This is an extremely dangerous consequence of the disaster: If contamination has occurred, restoring safe water supplies will require significant efforts, and in some cases, new sources may need to be found. Follow this series of posts to learn more about the environmental and human impacts of this tragedy and the challenges Ukraine faces on its path to recovery. 📺 Full video: https://lnkd.in/eG-bvdDM 📄 Text version: https://lnkd.in/eejHYrk3 🌐 This interview was prepared as part of the SUNDANSE project — an innovative sediment management concept for a sustainable Danube-Black Sea system, funded by the 🇪🇺 European Union. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. #KakhovkaDisaster #EcologyOfUkraine #RebuildingUkraine #EnvironmentalChallenges #SustainableDevelopment #RuslanHavryliuk #NECU #SUNDANSE #EuropeanUnion #EcoFuture #Nature #SocialConsequences #SouthernUkraineRebuild #DanubeBlackSeaSystem #CINEA #EnvironmentalDisaster #SustainableFuture #EcoUkraine
🌍 On Thursday, November 21, 2024, representatives of the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine, including Chairman Ruslan Havryliuk and Deputy Chairman Olegh Bondarenko, visited Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav. During their visit, they explored the National Contact Point of the "New European Bauhaus Initiative," based at the university, met with the institution’s leadership 🏫, and planned the signing of a memorandum of cooperation 🤝. NECU's mission focuses on preserving biodiversity 🐦, ensuring a healthy environment 🌱, providing a high-quality living space in Ukraine 🇺🇦, fostering an environmentally conscious society 🧑🤝🧑, promoting European integration in environmental protection 🇪🇺, and implementing eco-imperative 🌏 and ecosystem-based approaches. These goals align with the principles of the "New European Bauhaus" initiative: sustainability 🌿, inclusivity 🏳️🌈, aesthetics 🎨, and enhancing quality of life through design 🏠 and cultural heritage. During the meeting with university leadership 📖, including Dr. Vitalii Kotsur, Professor and Rector 📚, and Vasyl Dudar, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Vice-Rector for Scientific Research and Innovation ✍️, a decision was made to sign a memorandum for joint efforts 🤝. This partnership will facilitate the promotion of sustainable development 🌾, environmental innovations 🌍, and the ideas of the New European Bauhaus in Ukraine. The signing is scheduled to take place soon 🖋️. Under this initiative, collaborative efforts will focus on implementing joint projects 🏗️ in the fields of eco-friendly construction, urban planning 🏙️, education 📘, and social inclusion. The partnership is expected to foster the integration of ecological 🌱 and cultural 🎭 values into the processes of city modernization and restoration 🏘️. It marks a significant step towards creating comfortable 🛋️, inclusive 🤝, and sustainable environments that meet European standards 🌟 while considering Ukraine's unique context 🇺🇦.
🇺🇦 National Ecological Centre of Ukraine at the First Summit of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum in Vienna. 🌍 The summit brings together over 150 representatives of civil society organizations from six countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. 📋 This large-scale event is focused on exploring ways to strengthen future multilateral cooperation within the Eastern Partnership and, in particular, synergy with the EU enlargement agenda. 👥 Ukraine is represented by a team of 20 experts, NECU is represented by Nataliia Nauchu an expert on renewable energy and sustainable development. 💻 The summit also features online participation from Ruslan Havryliuk, head of the National Ecological Center of Ukraine and National Coordinator of the Ukrainian Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. 📅 The summit's results will be summarized on November 27 during a public online discussion titled The First Summit of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum: Results for Ukraine. Learn more and join the event here. https://lnkd.in/eWQpQdUh #EasternPartnership #NECU #SustainableDevelopment #RenewableEnergy #CivilSociety #EuropeanIntegration #Ukraine #Ecology
🌿 This summer, as part of the more4nature project, the team of the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine , together with Hutsulshchyna National Nature Park and students from Lviv, Kyiv, and Poltava, conducted an acoustic experiment aimed at exploring the possibilities of remote identification of illegal and unauthorized logging. 🌿 From July 29 to August 2, recordings of chainsaw sounds in forest environments were conducted. The experiments were carried out in three types of landscapes: ✅ lowland areas with oak forests; ✅ mountainous areas with beech forests; ✅ mountainous areas with coniferous forests. Noise measurements were performed using four advanced devices: Song meter mini, Song meter mini bat, Song meter micro, and Svantec. As a result of the experiment, the intensity levels of chainsaw noise were measured by four different sensors, depending on distance and changes in terrain. 📽️ Check out the video to see how the experiment was conducted! https://lnkd.in/eegPuAf3 📖 Read the detailed results of the acoustic experiment in the article at this link: https://lnkd.in/euexgX-3 #More4Nature #NECU #NationalEcologicalCenter #Hutsulshchyna #AcousticExperiment #Ecology #NatureConservation #IllegalLogging #ForestsOfUkraine #EnvironmentalResearch #HorizonEurope #Science2024 #SaveNature #EuropeanUnion #Students #ExperimentInTheCarpathians #Innovations #EcologicalTechnologies
Акустичний експеримент
Deputy Head of the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine🌱 Olegh Bondarenko participated in the fourth international exhibition and conference "REBUILD UKRAINE" (November 13-14, 2024, Warsaw). On the sidelines of the event, an important meeting 🤝 took place with representatives of VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland 🇫🇮). 👥 VTT Representatives: 🧑🔬 Johanna Kuusisto — Chief Research Scientist, PhD in Economics, specializing in smart energy ⚡ and architectural environment 🏢 💼 Tuula Makinen — Head of Green Electrification 🌱🔋 👥 NECU Representative: 👨💼 Olegh Bondarenko — Deputy Head of NECU, Head of Project Office 🗂️ 🔹 During the meeting, collaboration opportunities were discussed in light of new challenges for Europe. 🌍 🌍 Participants discussed possibilities for further cooperation in the European space 🇪🇺, particularly in the context of exceptional circumstances on the continent due to Russian aggression against Ukraine. 💬 It was emphasized that Ukraine’s 🇺🇦 experience in overcoming the aftermath of infrastructure damage 🏗️, environmental impacts 🌲, and more due to aerial attacks from Russia will be invaluable 🛠️ for other countries facing increasing emergency situations ⚠️ worldwide 🌐. #RebuildUkraine 🇺🇦 #UkraineRecovery #EuropeanCooperation 🇪🇺 #EnvironmentalSustainability 🌍 #GreenEnergy ⚡ #EmergencyResilience ⚠️ #NECU #VTT #SupportUkraine #UkraineResilience