UCNRS Reserve GIS Files
The NRS hosts its GIS data with the Informatics and Geographic Information Systems Statewide Program (IGIS) administered by UC’s Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Interested researchers can obtain a login for this system by contacting an NRS reserve director.
Latitude and Longitudes – locations for each of the NRS reserves
Archive of reserve boundary layers
GIS files for each reserve are stored in Dropbox. Each reserve contains a KMZ file and a Zip files contain shape files. Contact the NRS Information Manager if you are a researcher and would like to contribute your GIS data to this collection.
Reserve Mapper
The reservemapper application helps users discover natural history observations and specimens associated with each of the Berkeley-based field stations. The reservemapper draws on data from the Berkeley EcoEngine and species occurrence data hosted by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).
Nearby public lands
Additional GIS layers showing public lands adjacent to each reserve (adjacent, 1 kilometers, 5 kilometers, and 10 kilometers away). Researchers may be able to expand their studies into these areas.
Select LAYERS and choose from the list (NRS Point, NRS Boundaries, NRS Parcels, CPAD Adjusted, CPAD 1 km, CPAD 5 km, CPAD 10 km)
IGIS is the UCANR GIS Mapping Interface
IGIS Data Sharing site for the UCNRS Reserves
Other mapping resources
ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Online helps you explore, understand, and measure your geographic data. Use viewers to explore maps, scenes, layers, and tools, and discover patterns, find answers, and reveal relationships about your community and the world.
Google Earth Pro
GoogleEarth Pro lets you zoom around the world and view the KMZ or KML boundary files available for all NRS reserves.
California Natural Diversity Database
The California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) is a program that inventories the status and locations of rare plants and animals in California. Staff work with partners to maintain current lists of rare species as well as an ever-growing database of GIS-mapped locations for these species.
Reserve managers and researchers are encouraged to submit information to CNDDB regarding special-status species found within or adjacent to the reserve system. Data is accepted in many formats, and guidelines are available. Reserve managers are also encouraged to provide researchers with the monthly password to CNDDB.
CNDDB online maps and GIS data can be queried via RareFind5 software, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife BIOS map viewer, or by downloading a GIS shapefile that can be opened in another application. Data specific to the reserve system and adjacent areas are available, as are training documents and tutorials.
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