ActionCOACH Exeter reposted this
Drew Mason is a wonderful human being (despite drinking Guinness 0%), and I was honoured to have a pint with him yesterday. He asked me a question I get a fair bit... whether the team at FOMO Content have a specific sector / niche we focus on. No... we really do do everything, and thrive off the variety and challenge. To prove it, here is just a sample of the kind of week our team of marketing-type people have had delivering for clients: ✅ Taking snaps of a beautiful location in a beautiful time of year (Winslade Park, featured) ✅ Creating silly videos about cultural gift-giving traditions around the world (Academic Summer Camps UK and Canada) ✅ Learning about EPC certificates for landlords (1st Business Finance) ✅ Researching mortality rates for sedentary lifestyles (fit20 Exeter and fit20 Torquay) ✅ Ripping off Last Christmas for a stupid video about password managers (CAP Technologies Ltd) ✅ Writing a blog about getting recruitment right for your dream team (ActionCOACH Exeter) ✅ Making sensitive jokes about death (Simon Hall -Your Friendly but Professional Will Writer) ✅ Helping students deal with exam stress (Elephant Counselling - Matt Hyde (MBACP)) ✅ Showing people how to beat the January blues... by listening to BLUES ( ✅ Creating content for 30+ other clients in all kinds of industries and sectors... So yeah, we can do anything and everything. Limited capacity for Jan but we can get 1 (or maybe 2) on board. Much love happy people. And if you're not happy, meet up with Drew, and you will be - he's so lovely.