Lucky for us Emz Williams.. We love having you in the team 💜
I know it's not end of the year yet, but I've spent the last few days reflecting on 2024. It's been quite the year for me 🤩 I changed roles within Cuvva, and truly broke out of my comfort zone. I have a lot of people to thank for that, colleagues past and present, amazing managers.. everyone I have the pleasure of working with ❤️ Suddenly I am going to the office, handling public transport and a very scary city (to me!), seeing more people crossing a street than live in my entire town. Sure, it takes a few days after to decompress - but that's largely because of recent news! Finally, after years of "probably do" I have been dx with ADHD. And truly what gave me the confidence to even be assessed, was work. I can very much be myself, my team is amazing, everything is ND friendly. Yes, I have spent a little time wondering about the what ifs, the where would I be had I known this year's ago... but I've landed myself exactly where I need to be ... by accident really. Now I know I can work on the coping mechanisms I've been winging my entire life - I'm really looking forward to what I can achieve next year! So, sorry Cuvva - you're far too awesome a place to be and you're stuck with me 😅