A great discussion - hosted by The Copyright Society - featuring IFPI Director of Global Policy Abbas Lightwalla.
AI and IP expert, Head of Legal and Policy at Human Native AI, General Editor of The Law of Artificial Intelligence (law, regulation and ethics) #AI #IP #GenerativeAI
Many thanks to The Copyright Society for assembling a fantastic panel of experts to discuss the EU AI Act and its requirements for copyright compliance. We had great coverage of the range of perspectives: Abbas Lightwalla for rightsholders, Bruna Sellin Trevelin for open source AI developers and I helped out by summarising the position expressed by many commercial AI developers. (Human Native AI is not an AI developer. We work closely with rightsholders and AI developers to license content for AI training.) Thanks to María González Gordon and Anne-Sophie Lampe for chairing the discussion and setting out the history and details of the relevant parts of the AI Act. Thanks to Ben Hitchens, Phil Sherrell and Jen McGhee for their behind-the-scenes work making the discussion happen. #AI #copyright #EUAIAct