ISTT - International Society for Trenchless Technology’s cover photo
ISTT - International Society for Trenchless Technology

ISTT - International Society for Trenchless Technology

Civil Engineering

"to advance the science and practice of trenchless technology for the public benefit..."

About us

The International Society for Trenchless Technology (#ISTT) was established in September 1986 as a United Kingdom private limited company with the object "to advance the science and practice of trenchless technology for the public benefit..." and "to promote education, training, study and research in the said science and practice for the public benefit, and to publish the useful results of the same." In the years that followed, ISTT affiliated with regional trenchless societies located throughout the world to advance these objectives globally. ISTT has 28 Affiliated Societies. All recorded members of an Affiliated Society are members of ISTT. In addition to Affiliated Society members, ISTT has a limited number of members who reside in regions where no Affiliate Society exits. ISTT is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of the Officers of the Society and one Accredited Representative from each Affiliated Society. The role of the Board is, among other things, "to manage the affairs and business of the Society and to decide the commitment and disposal of its funds in the best interests of the ISTT Membership." The Board meets annually at the site of the Annual International No-Dig Conference. The Board of Directors oversees the day-to-day business of the ISTT. The Board Members are elected by the Board for terms prescribed at the time of their election. The Board includes the three Officers of ISTT, i.e., Chair, Vice Chair and Immediate Past Chair, and eight individuals, who are members of ISTT and nominated by their Societies. The ISTT has an Executive Director and Program Director who manage and implement the programs and activities of ISTT.

Civil Engineering
Company size
2-10 employees
Trechnless, NoDig, Exhibition, and Confernce


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