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WHAT HAVE WE BEEN UP TO AT KWERKY HQ? Sharing a few photos from recent projects with our new intern joining us on the road: 1. Heading over to an exciting demo day - watch this space! 2. Pancake Day Set Up - ready to film. 3. Ingredients shopping for KWERKY recipes! 4. Kwerky Banana Bread...wait, that was gone quick! 5. Su rushing for the school run... 6. Hair up! Whose kitchen are we in now?! 7. Taste test...something's cooking! 8. On the streets of London, interviewing the public. 9. What's your kwerkiest habit? 10. BTS filming content on the underground. Suhani Bhudia - KWERKY Suzanne C. #weeklyphotodump #kwerkyfoods #powderedoatmilk #chefs #cheflife #londonstreets