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With the year drawing to a close, it’s a great time to think about your 2025 goals - whether they’re to bring in new strategies, grow your business or even to connect with other like-minded leaders. We can help ⭐ Accelerate Wirral is the programme that’s set to help you build a blueprint for sustainable growth - all without leaving the Wirral. Through three expert-led workshops, one-on-one tailored coaching and the chance to connect with a community of local business leaders, you’ll learn more about unlocking resilience, growth and tapping in to new markets. We all know how busy leaders can be, which is why Accelerate Wirral is built with flexibility in mind - allowing you to shape the programme around your schedule and maximise the impact for you and your business. To find out more or to apply, visit Accelerate Wirral is fully funded thanks to our partners. It has been commissioned by Wirral Borough Council with course fees covered through their Business Support Service, which is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority as the lead authority. #AccelerateWirral #BusinessGrowth #Resilience #Leadership #Innovation #Networking #WirralBusiness #CreativeLeadership #TechLeaders Wirral Council Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Make CIC Future Yard CIC Wirral Chamber of Commerce Growth Platform