At New Minds the vast majority of our clients are founder-led so this post from Phil Smith really resonates. How are you thinking about transitioning your consultancy business from founder-led to founder-inspired?
Why is succession planning so important for founder-led consultancies? According to research by Deloitte, 86% of business leaders view succession planning as an urgent priority, yet only 14% of leaders are confident they're doing it effectively. Considering that over 50% of executives fail within the first 18 months of being hired or promoted (HBR), the potential impact on business performance is concerning, particularly if you're a founder. Creating the right conditions for sustained success is essential ❗ Succession planning is not just about replacing a leader; it’s about driving the long-term health, stability, and sustainable growth of the business. For consultancies, it's about moving from founder-led to founder-inspired. Effective succession planning requires a forward-thinking strategy that aligns leadership development with your long-term business goals, while continuing to uphold the firm's values, culture, and reputation. Does your business have a plan to move from founder-led to founder-inspired?