Do you work for NHS GM? Have you completed our internal communications survey yet? We really want to hear from you before the closing date of January 31. Visit the home page of the staff intranet to take the short survey. The details were also shared in the last edition of our Keep Connected staff newsletter (January 9). #HaveYourSay
Calling all NHS GM staff. All we want for Christmas (and beyond) is to hear from you! We know how important it is that we communicate well with you. That’s why we evaluate our internal communications to make sure we are getting information to you in the best way for you. Head to the staff intranet to complete our latest internal communications survey. We want you to be honest as your views do make a difference. After your feedback from the last survey we made several changes including: - Better promotion of important topics and shorter articles in the ‘Keep Connected’ staff newsletter, with more detailed information on the intranet. - Introducing the ‘Take a Sec with an Exec’ leadership blog. - Making live leadership briefing more interactive. The survey is open until January 31.