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PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide

PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide

Non-profit Organizations

Warrington, England 52,996 followers

PAPYRUS is the leading UK charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide.

About us

PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people. Suicide is the biggest killer of people aged 35 and under in the UK. We believe that suicide is preventable. PAPYRUS exists to reduce the number of young people who take their own lives, by shattering the stigma surrounding suicide and equipping young people and their communities with the skills to recognise and respond to emotional distress. We believe that no young person should have to struggle alone with thoughts of suicide. Our suicide prevention helpline, HOPELINE247 is staffed by trained suicide prevention advisers, who work with young people – and anybody concerned for a young person – to help keep them safe from suicide. HOPELINE247 is a free and confidential call, text and email service, which is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year (weekends and bank holidays included). We deliver our suicide prevention education and training packages to thousands of people each year, to create suicide-safer communities across the UK. PAPYRUS envisions a society which speaks openly about suicide and has the resources to help young people who have suicidal thoughts. No young person should have to suffer alone with thoughts or feelings of hopelessness, and nobody should have to go through the heartbreak of losing a young person to suicide. Everyone can play a role in preventing young suicide.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
51-200 employees
Warrington, England
prevention of young suicide, promotion of mental health and emotional wellbeing, supporting research, campaigning for change, sharing expertise and good practice, producing resources for families and professionals, Mental Health, and Suicide Prevention


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    Crosfield Street

    Bankside Unit 2

    Warrington, England, GB

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Employees at PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide


  • Today is #SelfHarmAwarenessDay and we wanted to share our tips for what to do if you are concerned about someone self-harming. In some situations, there are clear signs that a young person is self-harming, at other times it can be harder to tell. If you think someone you care for is harming themselves, we encourage you to reach out to them. We know it’s not always an easy conversation to have – here’s what we recommend… 1️⃣ Ask safely and directly if they have been harming themselves. 2️⃣ Manage your reactions and try your best to stay calm. 3️⃣ Explore the reasons behind their self-harm. 4️⃣ Listen to their explanation and give them time and room to talk. 5️⃣ Try to understand what is happening from their point of view. 6️⃣ Avoid taking control of the situation to ensure they feel comfortable. 7️⃣ Encourage them to seek long-term support. 8️⃣ Support them in exploring long-term support, you can reach out with them. Self-harm is a struggle often shared with our Suicide Prevention Advisers at HOPELINE247. Self-harm may, or may not, be a sign that someone is feeling suicidal – the NHS found that more than half of people who die by suicide have a history of self-harm. Therefore, it is very important to ask and not make assumptions. If you are a young person having thoughts of suicide – or you are concerned about a young person who may be suicidal – you can call HOPELINE247 on 0800 068 41 41 for practical advice and support. 💜

  • PAPYRUS Chief Executive Ged Flynn, joined fellow charities in urging the government to take young people seriously. Speaking at the launch of a report into the findings of an All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) inquiry into young people and suicide, PAPYRUS Chief Executive Ged supported calls for urgent action to improve health, education and community-based support. He said: “It is good to see the inquiry promoting education around suicide and suicide prevention in education. Children and young people are talking about suicide. Adults, parents and school staff must help them to do so safely and help them find the support and care they need.   “The Department for Education should work quicker here or the system around it needs to change, and soon. People are dying. “Organisations like PAPYRUS, Samaritans, James’ Place, The Listening Place, If U Care Share, Suicide&Co, Harmless, Mind, Rethink Mental Illness, the Mental Health Foundation and many more often hold the burden of much of the care that the NHS cannot provide. “There is a future out there, even in this darkened world. We can be the hope for our children and our young people. PAPYRUS tries every day to take them seriously and help them find that future. We can all do that and, together, find life,” added Ged Flynn. Read more here:

    • PAPYRUS Chief Executive Ged speaking at an All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) inquiry.
  • This week is Eating Disorders Awareness Week. At PAPYRUS, we know how complex eating disorders are, and how for many people, it can have an impact on not wanting to be alive. We have put together a list of ways in which you support yourself, if your eating disorder is leading to thoughts of suicide, and places you can turn to for help. Remember - if an eating disorder is causing thoughts of suicide - or you are concerned about someone who may be struggling - HOPELINE247, is here to support you. 💜

  • At PAPYRUS, we believe everybody plays a role in suicide prevention. Our sessions are open to anyone who wants to join us in preventing suicide. They equip you with skills to make a difference and give you the confidence to help keep people around you safe from suicide. What have previous training attendees said? ⭐ "That was a really exceptional training session; informative, empowering, reassuring, confidently and sensitively delivered." ⭐ "Really great informative session. I will be using it in my work and personal life." ⭐ "I think everyone on the call learnt a lot and will have taken so much away from the session - thank you, you are amazing!!" ⭐ "So grateful for this training as it has come at a time when I am supporting someone in my personal life, I now feel better equipped to support that person." How can you play your part in preventing suicide? We currently have spaces available on a range of our upcoming online sessions. Sign up to one of our training sessions today. ⬇️

  • 💭 WHAT TO DO IF SOMEONE DISCLOSES SUICIDAL THOUGHTS TO YOU AS A PROFESSIONAL If someone tells you that they are suicidal, the following tips can help you open a dialogue with them and offer support in an appropriate and sensitive manner: 💜 Firstly, it is important that you try to stay calm and listen to the young person – hear them out. Avoid judgement, regardless of what’s going on. Suicide should always be taken seriously. Ask open questions to get an understanding of what is happening for them and how it is making them feel. Remember that, regardless of what has happened or your opinion on this, it is making a young person think about ending their life. So, it’s important to listen and take them seriously. 💜 Don’t judge, offer platitudes (‘things will pick up’, ‘Life’s too short’ etc.) or try to fix everything. It has taken that young person a lot of courage to be open and honest with you, it is important that you take what they say seriously and without judgment. 💜 Also, empathic listening is key here – ask open and honest questions and show that you’re listening by reflecting on what they say and clarifying what they mean. Don’t jump in with solutions – allow them to express their problems first. 💜 Don’t minimise their feelings by saying it’s ‘just a phase’, ‘you’ll grow out of it’ or ‘why is that even bothering you?’ Take time to imagine what it’s like for that person, focus on their feelings and their experiences – not your own. 💜 Give them space and time in the moment or, if they feel unable to speak at that time, acknowledge the importance of what they’ve said and arrange a time to talk. As hard and as painful as it might be to listen, you need to hear their reasons for wanting to die before you can focus on reasons for living. 💜 It’s absolutely ok to not know what to say! You’re a human being too and what you’re hearing might be terrifying for you, as well as the individual. If you don’t know what to say – be honest and tell that person. Reassure them that you are glad they told you – this can be far more empowering and genuine than making something up. If you’re honest with them, they’ll be honest with you. 💜 Debrief with one of suicide prevention advisers. Our HOPELINE247 service is not only here to support those experiencing suicidal thoughts, or those concerned for them – it is also here for any professional who has had an experience with suicide and would like to talk it through with a trained professional. Anybody can access our debrief service, and we would encourage everybody to get in touch with us to debrief, after they’ve had an encounter with suicide. To debrief with one of our suicide prevention advisers, call HOPELINE247 on 0800 068 4141, text 88247 or email We are here for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. #LearnOnLinkedIn #Support #SuicidePrevention

  • Imagine having 32 life-saving conversations every single night. That's the reality for our Suicide Prevention Advisers on HOPELINE247. This Sunday, on Helplines Awareness Day, we're highlighting the vital work they do to support young people experiencing thoughts of suicide and their concerned loved ones. In 2024, we saw an increased demand for HOPELINE247: ➡️ A 66% increase in young people using our webchat service. ➡️ 32 life-saving interactions every single night. ➡️ 341,280 minutes spent keeping young people safe. ➡️ A 72% increase in our HOPELINK safety plans being viewed. PAPYRUS’ Chief Executive, Ged Flynn, said: “Nothing is more important in life than keeping our children and young people safe. We are here every minute of every hour, 365 days of the year, giving hope to those who are struggling with thoughts of suicide. “We are only able to do this thanks to the incredible generosity of the public. Quite simply, donations and fundraising underpin everything we do. Regrettably, an unforeseen reduction in the voluntary revenue we receive means we are now facing real challenges in the way we deliver our vital services. “Suicides devastate families and friendships, shatter schools and shake the very foundations of our local communities. Every life lost is a tragic waste and yet we believe many young suicides can be prevented. “Everyone has a role to play and with your generosity PAPYRUS will be able to continue our work, which is far from done. Suicide rates remain stubbornly high and somehow we must overcome the obstacles we face, find the money we need and help our children and young people to choose life,” he said. Your donation can help save a life. Please donate to the PAPYRUS Emergency Appeal today: 💜

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  • Our suicide prevention advisers receive calls every 3 minutes, and work with young people across the UK to develop plans to keep them safe. Our safety plans are tailored to the individual but can include things such as distraction techniques and coping strategies. Help keep our lifeline open 24 hours a day for young people who need us the most, so we can continue to save young lives. Head to the link below to donate to our emergency appeal. Thank you. 💜

    • How does HOPELINE247 support young people?
1. Our advisers develop safety plans with young people to help them stay safe for now.
2. Our advisers provide a safe, non-judgemental space to talk about what you are going through.
3. Our advisers support and give advice to anyone who is concerned about a loved one.
4. Our advisers provide a debrief service to support you after supporting someone.
  • We're starting a new series focused on debunking common myths around suicide, read below for our first myth around the signs of suicide. ⬇️ MYTH: There is no way to tell if someone is feeling suicidal. FACT: Many people who experience suicidal thoughts will showcase what we call suicidal 'invitations' (signs). That is why we must be aware of what these invitations might look like and how we can approach the conversation about suicide sensitively when we notice them. To learn more about spotting the signs of suicide, head to our website now:

  • Our 'Anxiety' guide explores common questions associated with supporting yourself when experiencing anxiety. This leaflet addresses themes such as: 💜 What are the symptoms of anxiety? 💜 What can I do to help myself when feeling anxious? 💜 Treatments for anxiety To view more helpful suicide prevention resources, visit the PAPYRUS website by following the link here: #SuicidePrevention

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