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Parenting Out Loud

Parenting Out Loud

Human Resources Services

Empowering dads to be LOUD and PROUD about their parenting responsibilities at work.

About us

Welcome to the Parenting Out Loud community, where we share posts of working dads who are loudly and proudly Parenting Out Loud! Founded and curated by Elliott Rae, Parenting Out Loud is when dads are LOUD and PROUD about their childcare responsibilities at work. This is important as 80% of the gender pay gap is attributed to the motherhood penalty. And active fatherhood means better outcomes for children and fathers themselves. Parenting Out Loud is a major cultural shift – it’s a significant move away from how fathers have done things for generations. On a daily basis, Parenting Out Loud looks like dads putting school pick-ups in their calendar, using their out of office to talk about their childcare responsibilities, being open and honest about their need to work from home to take care of their sick child, taking all the paternity leave available and requesting flexible working for childcare reasons. Supportive policies are great, they are essential. And we champion employers who offer enhanced or equal parental leave. However, policy has to be accompanied by culture change work to truly achieve the behaviour change and outcomes we aspire to. Currently, 1 in 3 working dads don’t feel comfortable talking to their employer about family commitments (Bright Horizons, 2023). And although many dads want to Parent Out Loud, we can't ask dads to do so when they exist in workplace cultures that do not support them doing so. The Parenting Out Loud culture change programme supports organisations to build a workplace culture where dads can parent loudly. The programme was launched with a billboard campaign across the London Underground in April. The aim was to reach dads on their way to work. For more information on the programme, and how your employer can get involved, please visit

Human Resources Services
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2-10 employees
Privately Held


Employees at Parenting Out Loud


  • Parenting Out Loud reposted this

    View profile for Elliott Rae
    Elliott Rae Elliott Rae is an Influencer

    Speaker | Author | BBC1 documentary presenter | Equal parenting & redefining masculinity | Founder, MusicFootballFatherhood | Created #ParentingOutLoud for working dads | Cohost, To Be A Boy podcast

    3 ways enhanced paternity leave changes hormones in new dads and encourages equal parenting ⬇️ 1️⃣ When new dads spend more time with their new born baby it increases the ‘love hormone’ oxytocin which strengthens the father-infant bond 2️⃣ Testosterone levels in new dads tend to drop slightly, which can make them more nurturing 3️⃣ Higher levels of prolactin and vasopressin also support caregiving behaviours When new dads are given enhanced paternity leave, they have time to bond with their new baby and go through hormonal changes and brain development. This means they are able to better bond with their baby and learn how to parent independently. These dads are then more likely to be equal parents, work flexibly and be Parenting Out Loud at work. And when dads are equal parents, it has a positive impact on the motherhood penalty, workplace gender equity and the wellbeing of the whole family. We need the Government to increase paternity leave to at least 6 weeks. And we need more organisations to introduce Equal Parental Leave. Read more about the impact of enhanced paternity leave and some of the organisations that offer Equal Parental Leave here: #PaternityLeave #ParentingOutLoud #EqualParentalLeave #WorkingDads

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  • Parenting Out Loud reposted this

    View profile for Elliott Rae
    Elliott Rae Elliott Rae is an Influencer

    Speaker | Author | BBC1 documentary presenter | Equal parenting & redefining masculinity | Founder, MusicFootballFatherhood | Created #ParentingOutLoud for working dads | Cohost, To Be A Boy podcast

    On the school run last week, I complimented one of my dad friends about his sharp suit. He said he had just rushed from a work meeting. Then he went on to say that he doesn't like to make too many family excuses at work. He said he'll make up other reasons as to why he can't make certain meetings. We had a good old moan about how the school day ends in the middle of the working day. And then we had a good old moan about gender stereotypes and how dads aren't assumed to be equal or main caregivers. And then I told him about Parenting Out Loud and encouraged him to be more open with his manager about the fact he does most of the school pickups and to have an honest conversation about the flexibility he needs. My dad friend here is not unique, 1 in 3 working dads do not feel comfortable talking about their childcare responsibilities at work. It's why we need to do the culture change work to normalise male caring. From leadership to staff networks to role modelling to policy, there is so much organisations can do to encourage dads to be more loud and proud about their family life at work. Find out more about the Parenting Out Loud culture change programme here: #ParentingOutLoud #EqualParenting #WorkingDads

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  • Parenting Out Loud reposted this

    View profile for Elliott Rae
    Elliott Rae Elliott Rae is an Influencer

    Speaker | Author | BBC1 documentary presenter | Equal parenting & redefining masculinity | Founder, MusicFootballFatherhood | Created #ParentingOutLoud for working dads | Cohost, To Be A Boy podcast

    "When I meet with my team or clients, I always make a point to talk about my family and ask about theirs." - Christopher Plumley, Partner at Trowers & Hamlins. This is what Parenting Out Loud from leadership looks like. Leaders who proactively bring up the fact that they have caring responsibilities, rather than keeping it quiet. Leaders who know others have a life outside of work and want to know more about it. Leaders who understand that they set the tone and are a benchmark for how their whole team talk about balancing work and family life. When leaders parent loudly, it encourages everyone else to do the same. And for us to encourage working dads to work flexibly, parent loudly and be equal parents, it's essential that we have leaders who role model and set an example. We discussed Parenting Out Loud, flexible working and parental leave with 3 working dads as part of our LI live webinar series. Watch the full Parenting Out Loud webinar with working dads Christopher Plumley, Jason Symes M.ISP and Paul Rhodes here: #ParentingOutLoud #EqualParenting #WorkingDads #GenderEquality

  • View profile for Eddy Bray

    Media Group Account Director @ Twogether | Driving Growth with Media, Data & Technology | Certified Linkedin Marketing Expert

    NURSERY INSET DAY Up there with ‘Rail Replacement Bus’ as three of the words most likely to bring working parents out in a cold sweat. 😅 But yesterday, I took the opportunity to take a day off work to look after my son, as his nursery was closed. Inspired by Elliott Rae & the #ParentingOutLoud campaign, I thought I’d share this to normalise dads taking time off to care for their kids. I believe that equal parenting is key to both gender equality and the development of strong relationships with our children. When we support dads to be active parents, we help address the gender pay gap, the motherhood penalty, and promote gender equality both at home and at work. Amidst all the ongoing debates around return-to-office mandates and the future of DEI, let’s take a moment to think about all the actions within our control to create more balanced and supportive environments at work and home. I’m fortunate to be in a position to support my wife’s career by enabling her to focus on work when our son has needs during office hours. My son and I relished the day together at the Natural History Museum exploring the dinosaurs, a perfect way to bond and make lasting memories. Taking this day off to focus on family left me feeling refreshed, and I’m back at work today, ready to make an even greater impact. #EqualParenting #WorkingDads #GenderEquality PS: Iguanodons have been rebranded since my day! 🤯 #TodayILearned

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    View profile for Daniel De Arriba (MCIPD)

    Dad, HR Business Partner at Shelter, Spanish Teacher and Associate Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University

    Last week I was so touched that my little boy was proud of me for coming to read a story to his class in Spanish. It even made me emotional and very grateful. Grateful for Jie’s encouragement always to get more involved in school life. Shelter for being the kind of employer that supports social justice and gender equality. And campaigns like Parenting Out Loud that encourage dads to play a more active part and share this with the world. I borrowed the book from some parents in Se Habla Español en Sheffield (Spanish in Sheffield) and the kids loved it. So great collaboration and I encourage dads to take this kind of opportunity whenever possible! #Spanish #Shelter #Genderequality #Parentingoutloud #Dad

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    View profile for Emma Bachelor

    Business Development Director at E-Van Guru

    Shoutout to all the working dads out there! Stuart Bachelor first day back at work today after paternity leave, 2 weeks is definitely not long enough for dads to spend time with their newborns and look after mums (especially after a C Section) Hopefully this changes in the future! Thankful he can work from home for a couple of days and he’s a great multitasker!

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  • View profile for Carl Martin

    Social experiential learning for remote and hybrid companies | Founder, Coach and former scaleup L&D leader

    I really need to get something off my chest without getting in a rage: The UK and it's childcare problem. I count my lucky stars every single day that I work for myself and from home, and that means I can play a more active role in looking after my daughter. But that does come at a cost to my work (when something this cute lives in your home, it's VERY easy to get distracted). What's more, with my partner on the cusp of her return to work, the intensity of the childcare situation is coming to the fore. If she didn't have a flexible back to work plan, we would be in real trouble. Yet even with a flexible working plan in place, we are highly dependent on the government funded childcare to create the space for us both to work. Nevertheless, we end up in a no win situation - where on one side my partner is only able to work part time and thus impacting our earnings as a family, during a time when we really need to be boosting our earnings to make ends meet. On the flip side, she can go back to work full time but any extra income she might generate for us would go straight into the cost of childcare for the other days she is back in work. We are in effect no better off financially. Other than Switzerland, the UK has the highest cost of childcare of any country (OECD 2022), coming in at on average 40% of the UK's average wage. That is absolute insanity. Yet despite all this money changing hands, the impact on the UK economy is immeasurable. This is a picture of our reality: 📈 As a business owner I am unable to fully invest my own time, energy and profits into growth and creating jobs 💪 My partner is unable to make a full return to the workforce and contribute to her employers growth 🏡 We're forced as a family to relocate closer to informal childcare (in the form of grandparents) - moving away from a local economy that depends on families with high earning potential to fuel local businesses outside of tourist season 👵🏽 Grandparents who still want to and are able to work - unable to do so as they commit themselves to childcare responsibilities. The truth is, childcare is seen as a perk by this country. The outdated rhetoric of 'previous generations getting by just fine', or politicians (who were raised by nannies or live in miserable relationships with kids who hate them) telling working people that they should be getting by just fine. I am unwilling to compromise on my intention to be the best possible dad I can be. And that is just as much about being present as a dad as it is about building a business that can support my family too. Yet the single biggest blocker to that reality, is childcare. So let's get down to it. How on earth does it change - and how on earth do we bring this change about? Our kids future and the future of this country depends on it. #childcare #change #UKeconomy

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