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ScaleUp Institute

ScaleUp Institute

Public Policy Offices

We are a private sector, not-for-profit company focused on making the UK the best place in the world to scaleup.

About us

The ambition of the ScaleUp Institute is that Britain becomes the most fertile ground for businesses, not only to start up but to scale up and grow. The ScaleUp Institute is a private sector led, not-for-profit organisation focused on collaborating with policy makers, corporates, finance players, educators and Government at a local and national level. Scaleups exist across the country and across all sectors. Increasing the number of firms reaching scale has the potential to deliver hundreds and thousands of additional jobs and billions to the local economy and drive forward productivity in every community. Evidence shows these businesses are also highly productive and international. The UK needs to focus determinedly on how it ‘leans in’ to support its growing firms to scale. We aim to advance understanding of how to scale up a business, and how to build the most effective environment in which scaleups can flourish. We spread best practice, providing opportunities for scaleup companies across industry sectors and regions to meet and share ideas. We undertake research, thought leadership and targeted projects with partners. We work with policy makers to identify opportunities that will support scaleup businesses. We share our methodology and ideas to create resources that will help aspiring scaleup businesses. We keep scaleups and their issues at the top of the UK political and business agenda. The UK’s future economic prosperity and social well-being are critically dependent upon our being a world- leading environment in which companies thrive after they have been started, enabling opportunity for reach and scale and contributing positive impact for generations to come. Making the UK a fertile ground for developing such businesses across localities, industries and supply chains is fundamental to achieving both immediate and long term UK economic value.

Public Policy Offices
Company size
2-10 employees


Employees at ScaleUp Institute


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