Would you take a sabbatical?
When one of the team asked me in December if she could go on holiday, I said no problem. This then followed with; "Brilliant, it’s a 3 month holiday btw to travel Asia and South America…." Career development isn’t just about sitting in the office and ticking off from an objectives list. I strongly believe it’s about growing as a person and having support to do so. Our ethos at Stellar PR is to get out and have experiences. Big or small, it doesn’t matter. The best way to develop your people management skills is to meet more people from different walks of life and find common ground. The best way to be more creative is to immerse in new environments and experiences which will develop new ways of thinking. I am delighted to say Natasha Swycher is back at Stellar PR from her sabbatical, full of ideas and flourishing as always. Let’s see what’s the next adventure for the Stellar PR team!